@MartinSleziak Regarding your edit summary here, I'm just curious: what was the action that bumped this question before your edit? Asking purely out of curiosity :)
Also, since the post is anyway being edited, it might be alright to also place the math within dollar symbols.
@MartinSleziak I was able to find working links for two links in this post that had Wayback Machine snapshots, so in addition to replacing those links, I also replaced the broken link to wwwhomes.uni-bielefeld.de with the DOI link mentioned in your comment.
@TheAmplitwist I saw your message (the one I copied above) saying that you edited the answer - so I checked whether there are other things to edit.
@MartinSleziak Ahh. I thought it could have been due to the phrasing of my message, but I didn't want to assume (especially since I don't have enough reputation to view deleted posts).
On the unit $2$-sphere ${\mathbb S}^2$ furnished with the geodesic distance, a subset homeomorphic to a planar disk is called a cell. A finite family of cells is a tiling if their interiors are mutually disjoint and their union is the whole sphere. My main question is:
(1) Can the sphere be tile...
On the unit $2$-sphere ${\mathbb S}^2$ furnished with the geodesic distance, a subset homeomorphic to a planar disk is called a cell. A finite family of cells is a tiling if their interiors are mutually disjoint and their union is the whole sphere. My main question is:
(1) Can the sphere be tile...
It's a bit unfortunate that the edit on the answer and now my retag detract from the new answer - if somebody clicks on the last activity, they will get the part which was most recently edited.
But that's how the software works - and this was the case already before the retag. (Since the other answer was edited.)