dead-links This old question was bumped recently: What is Koszul duality? Since it is rather old, it is not surprising that the answers contain some links that are not working.
In an effort to understand this answer I worked out some detais, gathered references, gave a seminar talk and puta all of this on my webpage: heinrich-hartmann.net/wiki/index.php/Koszul_Duality. — Heinrich Hartmann Jun 15 '12 at 20:24
@HeinrichHartmann could you revive the link? Or has it been removed on purpose? — მამუკა ჯიბლაძე May 5 '17 at 9:59
@მამუკაჯიბლაძე At least some version can be found in the Wayback Machine. (I will add also arXiv link from the answer - since the front end is down for some time.) — Martin Sleziak 3 hours ago
@MartinSleziak Thank you very much, Martin! Extremely helpful, as always — მამუკა ჯიბლაძე 1 hour ago
The last link in the answer seems to be dead. Is it supposed to be a link to the paper Quantization of Hitchin’s Integrable System and Hecke eigensheaves by A. Beilinson and V. Drinfeld? — Martin Sleziak 2 hours ago

This question from March 2020 points out that many questions/answers link to papers at the http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/ frontend instead of at the arXiv itself, but that the frontend had been down a few weeks. There are c.600 affected questions and the great majority of the links could be fixe...
SEDE returns 26 posts where the string
was removed: data.stackexchange.com/mathoverflow/query/1070272/… 09:29
There might be also some links to an author rather than to a paper. I only see 4 such posts on the main and no comments.
For some links, it is straightforward how they should be changed:
will be https://arxiv.org/abs/0909.1810
. I am not so familiar with historic iteration (front.math.ucdavis.edu/math.LO/9607227), but it seems to me that this is quite different from our paper. Our forcings are not ccc, and our forcing looks more like a product than an iteration, in the sense that there is no obvious linear order on the coordinates; each "iterand" produces a real which is somewhat generic over all the others. Also (bug or feature?) we do not increase $\mathfrak d$. At the moment. — Goldstern May 4 '14 at 16:33
It seems that
should be https://arxiv.org/abs/math/9607227
. Perhaps the automated transformation would be less straightforward for links not to articles but to searches, authors, categories, etc. But probably there isn't too many of them here are a few examples. — Martin Sleziak Apr 21 '20 at 8:30
If you send an appeal to the arXiv staff, then ordinarily you would get a human answer and not just an automatically generated reply. If that process doesn't look reasonable, then you can send e-mail, not necessarily to me personally, but to an appropriate moderator (see front.math.ucdavis.edu/categories/math) or to the advisory committee (see front.math.ucdavis.edu/about , although the physics committee there is not current). — Greg Kuperberg May 14 '12 at 18:46
This comment is also example of link to
. I found no posts and only this comment.
> For links to older preprints, the fix is less clear — see some examples at this edit history. Does anyone else know or see how the correspondence between arXiv and arXiv-front url’s works for these? Otherwise I guess these would be left to be fixed by hand afterwards.
I see there one link to search:
was changed to https://arxiv.org/search/math?query=tower+of+hanoi&searchtype=title
. The other links seem follow the pattern suggested in the post:
> Search-and-replace suggestion: For links to preprints after April 2007, the correspondence is straightforward — we want to replace a url like
with https://arxiv.org/abs/0809.1179
, and the first four digits represent YYMM
. @PeterLeFanuLumsdaine Are you sure that this revision history is an example you want? This seems to be link to a search rather than a link to and article in the "old format". I left a few more comment in MO editors' lounge. — Martin Sleziak 56 secs ago
@MartinSleziak: The edit diff in that link shows three different kinds of example: one search link, which I don’t think we could hope to fix by regex; two of the post-April-2007 links that my suggested regex should fix; and two of the pre-April-2007 links that might or might not be regex-able. — Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine 4 mins ago
My mistake. I thought that by "pre-2007" you mean links of the form similar to
. — Martin Sleziak 16 secs agohttp://front.math.ucdavis.edu/0310.5056 -> arxiv.org/abs/math/0310056 front.math.ucdavis.edu/0401.5317 -> arxiv.org/abs/math/0401317 front.math.ucdavis.edu/0509.5681 -> arxiv.org/abs/math/0509681
I am not sure what to do with links such as
or http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/0312.4730
. I recently updated mathoverflow.net/a/132018/16302. It contained four links starting with
(and a search link, which I'll ignore here). For two of these, a simple search-and-replace works, using the replacement https://arxiv.org/abs/
. But for the other two I needed to use https://arxiv.org/abs/math/
and remove a .5
from the final part of the url. I do not know why this is. — jeq Apr 30 '20 at 2:4256 mins ago, by Martin Sleziak
I will also add that replacement for
should be the same as for https://fron.math.ucdavis.edu
. But I guess this is obvious.11:52
Looking at only the posts (not comments) I count about 900 links. Of them, more than 250 start with 00-06. And about 60 start with 92-99. So I guess that there are at least 300 links where it's unclear how to transform them. @AsafKaragila Wouldn't it be better to contact SE staff only after we know how the URLs can be transformed? Or is the intention to find out whether this is possible in principle and to deal with the problematic parts later? — Martin Sleziak 30 mins ago
@MartinSleziak: Right — the confusing thing is that for pre-2007 papers, the frontend seems to provide url’s in at least two different forms, some like the example you give, some like the ones in the edit history I linked. For the ones in the edit history, the correspondence with arXiv’s url/identifier is totally unclear to me. For examples like your form, the conversion is clearer — the identifier
agrees with the arXiv, so we just need to change the url prefix — but it would take a little thought to write a regex that’ll recognise url’s of that form without false positives. — Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine 29 mins ago@Martin: The [status-review] puts the thing on their todo list, which is probably long enough that it will take a while. We absolutely should figure out the algorithm for replacing until then, though. — Asaf Karagila ♦ 21 mins ago
@AsafKaragila I did not want to add too many comments to the post on meta. (There is already many of them - so I posted here instead.) I will sent you invite into this room, so you should get some kind of notification.
Since the frontend was maintained by Greg Kuperberg - who is a MO user - maybe he would be willing (an able) to help with the correspondence between the identifiers on arxiv.org and on the front.math.ucdavis.edu.
Would the MO moderators be willing to contact him - or at least let him know about the question on meta?
In case somebody wants to play with the links a bit - I only made a very naive check so far. From SEDE I got the texts of the questions and the comments containing this URL.
I downloaded the result, added newline before URL and then selected the relevant lines and sorted them.
What I got in this way can be seen here: msleziak.com/temp/MO msleziak.com/temp/MO/listPosts.txt msleziak.com/temp/MO/listComments.txt
http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/0107.4705 -> arxiv.org/abs/math-ph/0107005 front.math.ucdavis.edu/0312.4730 -> arxiv.org/abs/math-ph/0312030 front.math.ucdavis.edu/0311.4705 -> arxiv.org/abs/math-ph/0311005
http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/9803.5150 -> arxiv.org/abs/math/9803150 front.math.ucdavis.edu/9912.5167 -> arxiv.org/abs/math/9912167 front.math.ucdavis.edu/9301.5212 -> arxiv.org/abs/math/9301212
On Mathematics, there are 22 posts and 14 comments. That is something that can be corrected manually.
Maybe for some of them it is removing .5 and adding /math and replacing .47 by 0 and adding /math-ph? (But I only tested it on a few URLs.) — Martin Sleziak 53 mins ago
There are also three posts containing
. I did not find any such comments.
1 hour later…
Thanks! With the status-review, I hope we'll attract the attention of some StackOverlords soon. I'll see if I can speed it up as well. — Asaf Karagila ♦ 5 hours ago
Looking at only the posts (not comments) I count about 900 links. Of them, more than 250 start with 00-06. And about 60 start with 92-99. So I guess that there are at least 300 links where it's unclear how to transform them. @AsafKaragila Wouldn't it be better to contact SE staff only after we know how the URLs can be transformed? Or is the intention to find out whether this is possible in principle and to deal with the problematic parts later? — Martin Sleziak 3 hours ago
@Martin: The [status-review] puts the thing on their todo list, which is probably long enough that it will take a while. We absolutely should figure out the algorithm for replacing until then, though. — Asaf Karagila ♦ 3 hours ago
@AsafKaragila I will just add that one additional disadvantage of adding (status-review) is that it prevents the post from the community bulletin. So less people from the MO community will see the post.
2 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Yes, it was a link to this manuscript (section 7.2 in it is relevant). Thanks. — Leonid Positselski 2 mins ago
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