deprecated-tags At the moment there are 845 questions with deprecated tags. (Or if we discount the migration stub which is going to be deleted eventually, then only 844.)
There were 904 questions with deprecated tags a year ago, which means decrease by 60 questions in one year.
abstract-algebra with 308 questions, 174 if we omit the most frequent algebra-related top-leve tags and 97 questions with no top-level tags.
geometry with 379 questions, 229 if we omit frequent geometry-related top-level tags and 132 with no top-level tags at all.
discrete-mathematics contains 159 questions, 75 if we omit co.combinatorics, 37 with no top-level tag at all.
The are 155 questions where abstract-algebra was removed, 735 questios where geometry was removed 79 questions where discrete-mathematics was removed.
You can find queries returning those posts here: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/49179918#49179918 You can even check which users have edited them away: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/10243/2019/4/28
As I have mentioned before, it would be not difficult to prevent deprecated tags at least from being added to new questions: The existing deprecated tags should be blacklisted and Blacklisting (deprecated) tag while they still exist.
top-level-tags There are 102082 questions on the site, 79600 questions without a top-level tag, 84539 questions if we also count (linear-algebra), (graph-theory) and (set-theory).
top-level-tags 22.023% of questions without top-level tags, 17.185% of questions if we take the less strict interpretation.
Here are the links used to find the posts without top-level tags: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/10243/2018/10/27
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