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@ScottMorrison I have created tag-info for . Since you are the creator of this tool, I would be grateful if you have a look whether the information there is correct and whether something should be added.
I suppose tag-info (tag-wiki) is in general a good place where to collect basic information about given topic. (And when somebody asks on meta or in chat or elsewhere, we can simply give that user link to the tag-info.)
And thanks for your work on citation helper - I suppose that it will be useful not only for MO users but also on other sites.
BTW since the tag already exists, probably the question announcing this feature should also be tagged with this tag. (It seems to be the question most relevant to that tag.)
Q: New feature - citation helper

OdedAt the request of the moderators, we have added a citation helper (based on the citation helper user script by Scott Morrison). If you are familiar with the original script, you will note a few differences - these were done as part of integration and as result of a security review. Notably, th...

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