
In the days before StackExchange used i.stack.imgur.com for images, I had linked quite a few images to my school's web server. Now all those links are broken, and I will eventually move them to i.stack.imgur.com. But the consequence is: the old posts get bumped to the frontpage. To turn this post...
BTW the possibility of minor edits without bumping has been discussed previously. For example, Minor edits, subject to review or “Silent” Edits for MO?. (I would expect most of these past discussions to be tagged (bumping) and/or (minor-edits), but it seems that it is not the case.) — Martin Sleziak 2 mins ago
I will specifically point out this post, which is basically question whether there is some consensus when bumping too many questions is considered excessive: Do we have an unofficial quota on how many old questions one should bump for minor edits in a single day? — Martin Sleziak 1 min ago
Joseph, what ballpark figure are we talking about? If it's really a lot of posts, maybe you can make a specific request for this to be automated if possible? — Asaf Karagila 2 hours ago
If searching for jpg url:cs.smith.edu can be considered as a rough estimate, this search returns about 100 posts.
Of course, there are many posts with other domains which have broken list, for example, searching for url:www.math.uga.edu returns 69 results.
See Pete L. Clark's profile for an explanation. Not so long ago, we corrected all such links both in posts and in comments on math.SE: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/2165/2016/11/20 and chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/2165/2016/12/26
@AsafKaragila If searching for jpg url:cs.smith.edu can be considered as a rough estimate, this search returns about 100 posts. Of course, there might be many other domains with broken links (be it images or regular links) - one example is mentioned here. — Martin Sleziak 42 secs ago
I will also add that in general when trying to recover dead images, often Wayback Machine might be useful: here is all content archived ffrom specific domain or a specific post
Ok, so I was not able to make the above link work. But you can simply click on "Want to search for all archived pages under cs.smith.edu/~orourke/" to see what I meant.
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Mar '1712
MO editors' lounge
Talk related to editing, tagging and related matters for the s...