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I have noticed these two tags on meta: vs. .
is one of the default tags, so it will not be removed despite the fact that it contains zero questions.
Perhaps it might be useful to make them synonym. (Since currently there are two very similar tags on meta, users may tag questions using either of them, which can make searching for questions using tags a bit more difficult.)
Admittedly, most user do not care too much about tags on meta. (Even the experienced ones.)
I'd guess that (searching) and (specific-question) would be a reasonable tags for this meta post. (I cannot edit on meta, that's why suggestion in a comment. I wish I had something more constructive to contribute here. Feel free to flag this comment as obsolete or ping me in chat to let me know that it can be deleted - after the retagging it would be a completely unnecessary noise.) — Martin Sleziak Sep 10 at 8:57
The situation with the tags on the main site is (as far as I can say) better.

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