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Hi everyone,
after a long delay, I've finally pinged the Stack Exchange folks again about our minor edits, subject to review, feature request.
Hopefully someone from SE will be responding soon on meta.
Q: Minor edits, subject to review

Scott MorrisonNow that MathOverflow has moved to 2.0, there is a potential solution to the long-standing tension between people wanting to make minor improvements to old posts, and others not wanting the 'active questions' list being cluttered by these minor edits. A "minor edit" feature has been proposed pre...

@Scott Morrison: Thanks a lot!
22 hours later…
@YemonChoi this is indeed a good example, thanks for sharing it.
@YemonChoi this is indeed a good example, thanks for sharing it.
Argh! I thought I could later delete the 'first' version where I do not reply properly...sorry for the noise.

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