
As the title asks. Let me elaborate; suppose $\mathcal K$ is a continuum (compact, connected) set of $\mathbb C$ (with at least two points!). Let's say that $g(z;a)$ is the green's function of the complement. In Saff-Totik's book ("Logarithmic potentials with external fields", App A.2, The 2.1) ...
In mathematics, a Dirichlet problem asks for a function which solves a specified partial differential equation (PDE) in the interior of a given region that takes prescribed values on the boundary of the region.
The Dirichlet problem can be solved for many PDEs, although originally it was posed for Laplace's equation. In that case the problem can be stated as follows:
Given a function f that has values everywhere on the boundary of a region in
{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n...
1 hour later…

TL;DR: Should the tags peano-arithmetic and theories-of-arithmetic be merged? Is some clean-up needed before doing that? Or are there some reasons not to merge these tags?
In October 2020, a tag synonym peano-arithmetic $\to$ theories-of-arithmetic was created as a result of this discussion: Cre...
I’m voting to close this question because I do not want censorship of relevant information. — Joseph Van Name 14 mins ago
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Transcript for
MO editors' lounge
Talk related to editing, tagging and related matters for the s...