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5:23 AM
Q: Interesting applications of the classical Stokes theorem?

Jonah SinickWhen students learn multivariable calculus they're typically barraged with a collection of examples of the type "given surface X with boundary curve Y, evaluate the line integral of a vector field Y by evaluating the surface integral of the curl of the vector field over the surface X" or vice ver...

5:35 AM
So the tag was replaced. I was hesitant to edit the question immediately - I prefer when the most recent activity is the new answer, so that the users can easily notice it.
At the same time, the new answer is quite likely to be edited:
Is "cathesian cohordinate" meant to be "Cartesian coordinate"? — LSpice 8 hours ago
Now I realized that it was probably bumped by an edit - not by a new answer?

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