top-level-tags There are 33210 questions without a top-level tag, 26197 questions if we also count (linear-algebra), (graph-theory) and (set-theory).
top-level-tags 21.45% of questions without top-level tags, 16.921% of questions if we take the less strict interpretation.
Here are the links which can be used to find the the posts with top-level tags: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/10243/2018/10/27
Jan 22, 2023 at 7:39, by Martin Sleziak
top-level-tags There are 30396 questions without a top-level tag, 23901 questions if we also count (linear-algebra), (graph-theory) and (set-theory).
Jan 22, 2023 at 7:39, by Martin Sleziak
top-level-tags 21.436% of questions without top-level tags, 16.856% of questions if we take the less strict interpretation.
2 hours later…
new-tag deleted-tag The tag irreps.irreducible-representations was created and removed here: mathoverflow.net/posts/473339/revisions - with the edit summary: "removed gratuitous tag - it is not necessary, and not helpful, to have a tag for every single concept".

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\O{O}$I'm looking for a reference to cite for the following observation. Given an irreducible representation of $\GL(n)$ labelled by the Young diagram with row lengths $\lambda = (\lambda_1,\ldots, \lambda_r)$, its restriction to the subgroup of per...
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Transcript for
MO editors' lounge
Talk related to editing, tagging and related matters for the s...