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Q: Suggestions for the design of a font for math articles/books

EmilyRecently I've resumed work on a font I'm currently developing, meant to be released as a completely free, open-source, OFL-licensed font designed specifically for use in papers, theses, books, lecture notes, and any kind of mathematics document more generally. It will consist of a family of fonts...

Q: Suggestions and feature requests for the design of a font for math articles/books

EmilyA little context and introduction: I'm currently working on a family of fonts ("Darwin") designed for use in formal writing and optimised in particular for use in mathematics articles, books, etc. It is meant to fill the following requirements, of which no currently available fonts for LaTeX fill...

See also the MO meta discussion for this question, which preceded it: Link. — Emily 9 hours ago
I am not sure what could be suitable tags for this one: Suggestions and feature requests for the design of a font for math articles/books. I have added - this one is probably a best fit. I have added , too - but that one seems like a stretch. I considered - but that tag is a synonym of , that does not really seem appropriate here.

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