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9:03 AM
@DanieleTampieri It seems that we were editing a posts at the same time, which resulted in an edit conflict: mathoverflow.net/review/suggested-edits/125460
I will stay away from that post - so that you can make your edit.
I did not know how/where to ping you - so I sent you invitation to this room, I suppose you should get a notification about that.
I apologize for overriding your suggested edit (unintentionally).
9:20 AM
@MartinSleziak No problem, @MartinSleziak: apart from a few grammar corrections, my edit coincide with yours (basically $mxp \to m\times p$ and some uppercase "i"'s) therefore you didn't any harm. Regards, Daniele.
1 hour later…
10:32 AM
@MartinSleziak The tag is gone.
5 hours later…
4:01 PM
Two new tags and were created (in the same question).
Q: Gluing together mixed normed vector spaces with mixed topologies

AIM_BLBThis is a variant of this question. Definitions/Facts $Ball_1(X)$ denotes the unit ball (about $0$) in a normed vector space $X$. MixTop of triples of pairs $(X,\tau)$ of normed vector spaces $X$ equipped with a LC (locally convex) topology $\tau$ on $X$ making $Ball_1(X)$ complete and bou...

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