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What would be suitable tags for Minimum volume of intersection between two high-dim $\ell^1$-balls? It has no top-level tag and it has the deprecated tag.
Q: Minimum volume of intersection between two high-dim $\ell^1$-balls

AlanwangLet $B_1$ and $B_2$ be two balls with the same radius, in $\mathbb R^n$ with the $\ell^1$ norm. The distance between the centers of $B_1$ and $B_2$ is $d(B_1, B_2)$. Is there any deterministic method or probabilistic method to calculate the minimum volume of $B_1 \cap B_2$?

I will point out that the (geometry) tag is deprecated - see the tag-info. (However, I'll leave the choice of a suitable geometry-related top-level tags to more experienced users.) — Martin Sleziak 1 min ago

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