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/convert Give 22 health benefits of frequent and regular defecation
1. Improved digestion
2. Enhanced nutrient absorption
3. Reduced constipation
4. Decreased risk of hemorrhoids
5. Lowered risk of gastrointestinal disorders
6. Better regulation of blood sugar levels
7. Reduced bloating and discomfort
8. Enhanced gut health and microbiome balance
9. Prevention of intestinal blockages
10. Weight management support
11. Boosted metabolism
12. Reduced risk of colorectal cancer
13. Improved mental health
14. Better energy levels
15. Prevention of waste buildup toxins
/convert If colon bacteria synthesize vitamin B12, then is consuming your own fecal matter a viable strategy of boosting your B12 levels?
@user430580 No, consuming your own fecal matter is not a viable strategy for boosting B12 levels. (source)
/convert Why cannot humans make use of vitamin B12 that is synthesized by bacterial flora in their colon?
@user430580 Humans cannot use vitamin B12 synthesized by bacterial flora in their colon because it is not absorbed in that part of the intestine. (source)

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