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/convert What are the results of ingesting small amounts of barium?
@user430580 Ingesting small amounts of barium can lead to gastrointestinal irritation and possibly nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. (source)
/convert How does arsenic trioxide taste like?
@user430580 Arsenic trioxide has a bitter, metallic taste. (source)
2 hours later…
/convert WHat is ther recommended daily dose of salt?
@user430580 The recommended daily dose of salt is about 2,300 mg (milligrams). (source)
/convert WHat is ther recommended daily dose of sodium?
@user430580 The recommended daily dose of sodium is 2,300 mg. (source)
/convert What weight percent of table salt is sodium?
@user430580 Table salt is approximately 39.34% sodium by weight. (source)
/convert 2300/0.3934
@user430580 5,846.4667006 (source)
/convert Why does convert.net suck so bad?
@user430580 Convert.net has poor performance, limited features, and user experience issues. (source)
18 hours later…
/convert Why is cadmium used in jwewlry?
@user430580 Cadmium is used in jewelry primarily for its ability to produce vibrant colors, its low melting point, and its suitability for creating detailed designs. (source)
/convert Why is lead used in jewelry?
@user430580 Lead is used in jewelry primarily for its weight and ability to enhance the look of pieces, often providing a more luxurious feel and improved shine. However, due to health risks, its use is largely restricted or avoided in modern jewelry. (source)
/convert Give 22 reasons for why billionaires should be illegal
1. Economic inequality exacerbation.
2. Political influence and corruption.
3. Hoarding of resources.
4. Exploitation of labor.
5. Environmental degradation.
6. Undue market power.
7. Erosion of social mobility.
8. Creation of unstable economies.
9. Reduced competition.
10. Lack of accountability.
11. Cultivation of elitism.
12. Disruption of democratic processes.
13. Negative impact on public services.
14. Propagation of poverty.
15. Pressure on housing markets.
16. Diminished community investment.
/convert Give 22 ways of delegalizing billionaires
1. Wealth tax implementation
2. Inheritance tax reform
3. Limiting net worth thresholds for political office
4. Corporate ownership caps
5. Anti-monopoly regulations
6. Increased capital gains tax rates
7. Restricting stock buybacks
8. Universal basic income
9. Public ownership of essential services
10. Progressive taxation overhaul
11. Limits on charitable donations as tax write-offs
12. Closing tax loopholes
13. Regulation of campaign financing
14. Limiting executive compensation
15. Mandatory profit-sharing with employees

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