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/convert How much vitamin B12 is absorbed through passive diffusion in the GI tract?
@user430580 Approximately 1-2 mcg of vitamin B12 is absorbed through passive diffusion in the GI tract. (source)
/convert What percentage of consumed vitamin B12 is absorbed through passive diffusion in the GI tract?
@user430580 About 1-2% of consumed vitamin B12 is absorbed through passive diffusion in the GI tract. (source)
/convert Assumed that someone's intrinsic factor concentration is zero, how much vitamin B12 should one consume daily in order to avoid getting deficient?
@user430580 If intrinsic factor concentration is zero, one should consume approximately 2,0 to 2,500 micrograms (2-2.5 mg) of vitamin B12 daily to avoid deficiency. (source)
/convert What are possible side effects of overdosing on vitamin B12 injections?
@user430580 Possible side effects of overdosing on vitamin B12 injections include diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, headaches, and skin reactions. (source)
/convert What are possible side effects of overdosing on intramuscular vitamin B12 injections?
@user430580 Possible side effects of overdosing on intramuscular vitamin B12 injections include headache, dizziness, anxiety, skin rash, gastrointestinal disturbances, and in rare cases, allergic reactions. (source)
/convert Which of the B vitamins is the most toxic?
@user430580 Vitamin B6 (source)
/convert Which is more toxic, vitamin B3 or vitamin B6?
@user430580 Vitamin B6 is generally considered more toxic than vitamin B3. (source)
/convert WHich one of all the vitamins is the most toxic?
@user430580 Vitamin D. (source)
/convert Please give a list of countries that never get enough UVB for their inhabitants to ever synthesize enough vitamin D3
@user430580 Countries near the poles, such as parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Canada, and Greenland, generally do not receive enough UVB radiation for sufficient vitamin D3 synthesis for much of the year. (source)
/convert How much UVC radiation does reach Earth surface?
@user430580 Very little UVC radiation reaches the Earth's surface, typically less than 0.1%. (source)
/convert What is the toxic dose of vitamin B3?
@user430580 The toxic dose of vitamin B3 (niacin) is generally considered to be above 1,0 mg per day. (source)
/convert What is the toxic dose of vitamin B6?
@user430580 The toxic dose of vitamin B6 can be around 100 mg per day for adults over an extended period. (source)
/convert Which is more toxic, vitamin B3 or vitamin B6?
@user430580 Vitamin B6 is more toxic than vitamin B3. (source)
The last 3 messages from the bot don't make a lot of sense if considered together
/convert What are symptoms of niacin poisoning?
@user430580 Symptoms of niacin poisoning include flushing of the skin, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and liver toxicity. (source)
/convert What is the solubility of radon gas in water?
@user430580 The solubility of radon gas in water is approximately 0.00076 mg/L at 25°C. (source)
/convert What is the solubility of oxygen gas in water?
@user430580 The solubility of oxygen gas in water is approximately 0.003 mg/L per mmHg at 25°C. (source)
/convert What is the solubility of atmospheric pressure radon gas in water?
@user430580 The solubility of radon gas in water at atmospheric pressure is approximately 0.1 to 0.15 mg/L. (source)
convert What is the solubility of oxygen gas at 760 mmHg in water?
/convert What is the solubility of oxygen gas at 760 mmHg in water?
@user430580 The solubility of oxygen gas in water at 760 mmHg is approximately 0.042 mL O2 per 100 mL of water at 25°C. (source)
/convert How much does 0.042 mL of oxygen gas at 760 mmHg pressure weigh?
@user430580 The weight of 0.042 mL of oxygen gas at 760 mmHg pressure is approximately 0.00113 grams. (source)
/convert Why can't humanoids coexist in peace?
@user430580 Humanoids struggle to coexist in peace due to conflicting interests, competition for resources, and inherent differences in beliefs and values. (source)
/convert How much oxygen is typically dissolved in 1mL of sweetwater bodies?
@user430580 Typically, about 8 to 14 mg of dissolved oxygen is found in 1 mL of sweet water bodies. (source)
/convert How efficient are gills compared to lungs?
@user430580 Gills are generally more efficient at extracting oxygen from water than lungs are from air. (source)
/convert Why can't gills extract oxygen directly from the air?
@user430580 Gills cannot extract oxygen from air because they are adapted for using water, which has a different oxygen availability and density. (source)
/convert How much radon is typically dissolved in 1mL of sweetwater bodies?
@user430580 Typically, about 0.5 to 1 Bq/L of radon is dissolved in sweetwater bodies. (source)
/convert Please give a list of the concentrations of all elements in seawater
Here's a list of the concentrations of key elements in seawater (in milligrams per liter or parts per million):

- Chloride (Cl): ~19,0
- Sodium (Na): ~10,600
- Magnesium (Mg): ~1,300
- Sulfate (SO₄): ~2,700
- Calcium (Ca): ~400
- Potassium (K): ~380
- Bicarbonate (HCO₃): ~140
- Bromide (Br): ~65
- Strontium (Sr): ~8
- Boron (B): ~4.5
- Silicon (Si): ~2

Trace elements (in micrograms per liter or parts per trillion):
- Iron (Fe): ~0.2 - 5
- Manganese (Mn): ~0.5 - 1
- Zinc (Zn): ~0.1 - 1
- Copper (Cu): ~0.01 - 0.5
/convert Please give a list of the concentrations of all of the first 92 elements in seawater
Here's a list of the concentrations of the first 92 elements in seawater (in micromoles per liter, µmol/L):

1. H: 0
2. He: 0
3. Li: 0.17
4. Be: 0
5. B: 4.5
6. C: 0
7. N: 0.01
8. O: 0
9. F: 0.0002
10. Ne: 0
11. Na: 46,950
12. Mg: 1,290
13. Al: 0.05
14. Si: 2.6
15. P: 0.1
16. S: 2,700
17. Cl: 54,500
18. Ar: 0
19. K: 400
20. Ca: 410
21. Sc: 0.0004
22. Ti: 0.008
23. V: 0.0002
24. Cr: 0.0003
25. Mn: 0.001
26. Fe: 0.01
27. Co: 0.0003
28. Ni: 0.003
29. Cu: 0.001
30. Zn: 0.005
/convert Please give a list of the concentrations of all elements in seawater in mg per liter
Here's a list of the concentrations of elements in seawater in mg per liter:

- Chloride (Cl): 19,0
- Sodium (Na): 10,500
- Sulfate (SO4): 2,700
- Magnesium (Mg): 1,290
- Calcium (Ca): 400
- Potassium (K): 380
- Bicarbonate (HCO3): 120
- Bromide (Br): 67
- Strontium (Sr): 8
- Boron (B): 4.5
- Fluoride (F): 1.3
- Phosphate (PO4): 0.1
- Iron (Fe): 0.005
- Manganese (Mn): 0.0002

(Note: Concentrations may vary slightly based on location and conditions.) ([source](https://www.convert.net))
/convert Please give a list of the concentrations of all of the first 92 elements in seawater in mg per liter
Here's a list of the concentrations of the first 92 elements in seawater in mg per liter:

1. Hydrogen (H): 0.1
2. Helium (He): 0.0005
3. Lithium (Li): 0.2
4. Beryllium (Be): ([source](https://www.convert.net))
/convert How much gold is there in an average laptop?
@user430580 About 0.1 grams of gold. (source)
/convert How much cadmium is there in an average laptop?
@user430580 An average laptop contains about 0.1 to 0.3 grams of cadmium. (source)
/convert How much of each of the first 92 chemical elements is there in an average laptop?
An average laptop contains trace amounts of many of the first 92 chemical elements, but specific quantities can vary widely by design and manufacturer. However, in general terms, the most common elements by weight are:

- Silicon (Si)
- Aluminum (Al)
- Copper (Cu)
- Iron (Fe)
- Gold (Au)
- Tin (Sn)
- Nickel (Ni)
- Lead (Pb)

The exact weights of each element can vary, but only a few elements are present in significant amounts. The rest are typically in trace amounts. A precise total weight breakdown is not universally available. If you need specifics about a particular model, consulting the
/convert How much lead is there in an average laptop?
@user430580 An average laptop contains about 0.1 to 0.5 grams of lead. (source)
/convert How much lead is there in an average laptop, considering that with the EU's RoHS directive it should be zero?
@user430580 Less than 0.1 grams. (source)
/convert How much osmium is there in an average laptop?
@user430580 An average laptop contains approximately 0.001 grams of osmium. (source)
/convert How much mercury is there in an average laptop?
@user430580 An average laptop contains about 0.1 to 0.5 grams of mercury. (source)
/convert How much lplutonium is there in an average laptop?
@user430580 There is generally no plutonium in an average laptop. (source)
that's a relief
/convert How much arsenic is there in an average laptop?
@user430580 An average laptop contains approximately 0.5 to 2 grams of arsenic. (source)
/convert How much heavy metals does an average human adult man's body contain?
@user430580 An average adult man's body contains approximately 0.5 to 1 grams of heavy metals. (source)
/convert Which heavy metals are the most prevalent in an average adult human man's body organism?
@user430580 The most prevalent heavy metals in an average adult human man's body are lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. (source)
/convert 22 for in while
@user430580 The final result is 22. (source)
/convert Why does granite emit radon gas?
@user430580 Granite emits radon gas because it contains uranium and thorium, which decay and release radon as a byproduct. (source)
/convert How much radon does 1kg of granite emit?
@user430580 Approximately 0.1 to 0.3 picocuries of radon per kilogram of granite. (source)
/convert How much uranium is there in 1kg of granite?
@user430580 Approximately 0.01% to 0.02%, or about 0.1 to 0.2 grams of uranium in 1 kg of granite. (source)
/convert 0.1 picocuries to bequerels
@user430580 Sorry, an unexpected error occurred: JSON response was not structured as expected.
/convert 0.1 picocuries to bequerels please
@user430580 0.1 picocuries is approximately 3.7 Bq. (source)
/convert Why shouldn't granite be used in home building?
@user430580 Granite can be expensive, heavy, and requires regular maintenance, making it impractical for some home building applications. (source)
/convert How much radium is there in 1kg of granite?
@user430580 Approximately 0.001 to 0.01 grams of radium in 1 kg of granite. (source)
/convert Is granite a viable source of uranium?
@user430580 No, granite is not a viable source of uranium. (source)
/convert Why is the dust attracted to an electrostatically charged balloon more radioactive than background radiation?
@user430580 The dust attracted to an electrostatically charged balloon is not inherently more radioactive; it may simply contain radioactive materials that were present in the environment, which become more noticeable when collected on the balloon. (source)
/convert WHat do you call a playbox filled with sand?
@user430580 Sandpit. (source)
/convert What chemical elements are the most prevalent in granite?
@user430580 Silicon, oxygen, aluminum, sodium, potassium, and calcium. (source)
/convert Can selenium behave like a metal?
@user430580 No, selenium cannot behave like a metal. (source)
3 hours later…
/convert Why is selenium often included as a heavy metal?
@user430580 Selenium is often classified as a heavy metal due to its properties and toxicity at elevated levels, despite being an essential nutrient in trace amounts. (source)
/convert Which minerals is granite made of?
@user430580 Granite is primarily made of quartz, feldspar, and mica. (source)
/convert What is the maximum daily dose of clomipramine in adults?
@user430580 The maximum daily dose of clomipramine in adults is 250 mg. (source)
/convert What are the health benefits of clomipramine?
@user430580 Clomipramine is primarily used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and can also benefit individuals by alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety, improving sleep, and reducing chronic pain. (source)
/convert What is the melting point of clomipramine?
@user430580 The melting point of clomipramine is approximately 191-193 °C. (source)
/convert What are the products of clomipramine's pyrolysis?
@user430580 The products of clomipramine's pyrolysis include phenolic compounds, nitrogenous compounds, and various aromatic hydrocarbons. (source)
/convert What are the products of clomipramine's thermal decomposition?
@user430580 The products of clomipramine's thermal decomposition include aromatic compounds, amines, and various carbon-containing residues. (source)
/convert What is the toxic dose of clomipramine?
@user430580 The toxic dose of clomipramine is generally considered to be above 5 mg/kg. (source)
/convert What is the best dose of clompiramine for insomnia?
@user430580 The typical dose of clomipramine for insomnia is 25 to 75 mg at bedtime. Always consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice. (source)
/convert What is the lethal dose of clomipramine?
@user430580 The lethal dose of clomipramine can be around 10 to 20 mg/kg in adults, but it varies greatly among individuals. (source)
/convert What does clomipramine taste like?
@user430580 Clomipramine has a bitter taste. (source)
/convert What are metabolites of clomipramine in human?
@user430580 The main metabolites of clomipramine in humans are desmethylclomipramine, and to a lesser extent, a number of other metabolites including 8-hydroxyclomipramine, and clomipramine N-oxide. (source)
/convert What are causes of a metallic taste in the mouth?
@user430580 Causes of a metallic taste in the mouth include medications, dental issues, nutritional deficiencies, infections, allergies, and certain medical conditions (like diabetes or liver disease). (source)
/convert Which metal is the tastiest?
@user430580 Copper. (source)
/convert Which metals taste sweet?
@user430580 Bismuth and thallium can taste sweet. (source)
/convert How much radiation does 1kg of bismuth emit?
@user430580 1 kg of bismuth emits approximately 0.003 mSv per year. (source)
/convert What is the radiation activity of bismuth in becquerels?
@user430580 Bismuth-209 has a very low natural radioactivity with a half-life of about 1.9 x 10^19 years, resulting in an activity of approximately 1.2 x 10^-14 Bq per gram. (source)
/convert What mass of bismuth is needed to achieve the activity of 1 Bq?
@user430580 To achieve an activity of 1 Bq of bismuth-214, approximately 0.03 grams of bismuth is needed. (source)
/convert What mass of bismuth-209 is needed to achieve the activity of 1 Bq?
@user430580 To achieve an activity of 1 Bq, you need approximately 0.09 grams of bismuth-209. (source)
/convert Which metal is the most bitter?
@user430580 Bismuth (source)
/convert Which chemical element is the most metallic?
@user430580 Francium. (source)
/convert Which chemical element is the least metallic?
@user430580 Hydrogen. (source)
/convert Which chemical compound has the most ionic bonds?
@user430580 Sodium aluminum phosphate (Na3Al(PO4)2) has the most ionic bonds. (source)
/convert What are the most serious side effects of chronic abuse of xylomethazoline?
@user430580 The most serious side effects of chronic abuse of xylomethazoline include rhinitis medicamentosa (rebound nasal congestion), cardiovascular issues (e.g., hypertension), and potential systemic toxicity leading to serious complications such as respiratory depression or seizures. (source)
/convert Does abusing xylomethazoline nasal spray cause your nose to fall off?
@user430580 No, abusing xylomethazoline nasal spray does not cause your nose to fall off. (source)
8 hours later…
/convert Which metal is the least metallic of all?
@user430580 Hydrogen is the least metallic of all. (source)
/convert Which metallic element is the least metallic of all?
@user430580 Hydrogen. (source)
/convert Which metallic element is the least metallic of all METALS?
@user430580 Bismuth. (source)
/convert What is the difference between solder and soldier?
@user430580 Solder is a metal alloy used to join two pieces of metal, while a soldier is a person who serves in an army. (source)

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