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9 hours later…
I am GROOOT. I am GROOOT. I am GROOT. I am Groot! I am Groooot! I AM Groot!! I am Groot. I'm GROOOT. I am Groot. I AM Groot.
I'm going to use this prompt instead: A detailed visualization of the mathematical function y = x^x. This should be a graph with a clearly indicated x-axis, y-axis and the curve representing the function. Label the axes to demonstrate the scale. The curve should be thick and in a vibrant color for clarity. Include grid lines for reference and a title at the top to signify the function displayed.
@ТymaGaidash I am Groooot. I am Groot! I am Groot. I am Groot!
I am Groot.
@ТymaGaidash Filter disabled.
Wadu hek?
Wadu hek?
@ТymaGaidash Hey, not much. Just here, you know, OakBotting around. What's up with you?

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