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That's… one way to use a single letter! Fascinating.
17 hours later…
/imagine deepdream effect on car
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Imagine an intricate and surreal depiction of a car, similar to what you might see in a dream. The car is superbly detailed and each part of it appears organically distorted or transformed - the wheels resemble floral designs, the windows have patterns of swirling galaxies, the body of the car looks like waves in an ocean, etc. Instead of the standard and rigid shapes normally found in a car, everything is abstract, flowing, and constantly morphing, just ...
like dreamscapes.
/imagine toBkaO
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Imagine an abstract concept represented visually in a complex and intriguing way. Feel free to be creative and unexpected in interpreting this request. Let your creative engines run wild!

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