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2:03 PM
wanna break from the ads?
/imagine ation
I'm going to use this prompt instead: A piece of aged stationery. The paper is slightly yellowed with time, and a distinct watermark is present in its texture. A fine, black handwritten script adorns the top three-quarters of the page, carefully phrased in beautiful calligraphic style. A red wax seal embossed with an intricate emblem sits in the bottom right corner, signifying the letter's authenticity. The background is a dark mahogany wooden table that enhances the retro vibe of the ...
stationery. A worn-out quill and inkpot sit next to it, splatters of ink visible around its edges, remnants of a bygone era.
/imagine "Wanna break from the ads"
I'm going to use this prompt instead: A humorous scene of an individual sitting in front of an antiquated radio with a quirky expression on their face, as they thumb through a stack of colorful print advertisements. The room they are in is littered with discarded advertisements, signifying they are bombarded with ads all day, craving a respite.
/imagine Wanna break from the ads? If you tap now to watch a short video, you’ll receive 30 minutes from ad free music. Yes, really! If you tap now to watch a short video, you’ll receive 30 minutes of ad free music.
@lyxal Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 24 hours.

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