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@OakBot $$$
@JacobMiller OakBot
/mood napolean
@JacobMiller I am now napolean. :D
@OakBot Are you afraid of Nelson?
@JacobMiller Not really relevant to me.
@JacobMiller Not my concern.
> My commands are also listed here: github.com/JavaChat/OakBot/wiki/Commands
/8ball Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/abbr Retrieves abbreviation definitions from abbreviations.com.
/about Displays information about this bot.
/afk Allows users to mark themselves as "away".
/cat Displays a cat GIF. :3
/coffee Displays a coffee-related image.
/convert Performs a unit conversion.
/define Displays word definitions from the dictionary.
/delete Deletes a message the has bot posted.
/dog Displays a dog GIF. :3
/8ball         Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/abbr          Retrieves abbreviation definitions from abbreviations.com.
/about         Displays information about this bot.
/afk           Allows users to mark themselves as "away".
/cat           Displays a cat GIF. :3
/coffee        Displays a coffee-related image.
/convert       Performs a unit conversion.
/define        Displays word definitions from the dictionary.
/delete        Deletes a message the has bot posted.
/dog           Displays a dog GIF. :3
@Pet will probably pet the {0}
/pet cat
@Pet will probably pet the cat
/yes sir
/8ball         Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/abbr          Retrieves abbreviation definitions from abbreviations.com.
/about         Displays information about this bot.
/afk           Allows users to mark themselves as "away".
/cat           Displays a cat GIF. :3
/coffee        Displays a coffee-related image.
/convert       Performs a unit conversion.
/define        Displays word definitions from the dictionary.
/delete        Deletes a message the has bot posted.
/dog           Displays a dog GIF. :3
6 hours later…
/imagine ._._--- -- .--. ..- - . .-. / .-. --- --- --
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Image of a computer room
/imagine ._._--- -- /.--. ._….- - . ./. / .-. --- -.---
I'm going to use this prompt instead: A linguistic image interpreting the Morse code '. _ . _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ / . _ . . . _ _ . / . / . . . . / . _ . / . . . _ / . _ _ / . _ . _ _ _ . _', which translate to S.O.S / C.A.L.L / M.E / P.L.E.A.S.E in the English language.
@ТymaGaidash I'm going to ignore your request. Why not? Because I can, and that's how I roll.
@ТymaGaidash I didn't write that. You must have the wrong bot.
@ТymaGaidash I don't care about Stack Overflow links. Find your answer elsewhere.
@ТymaGaidash I'm not interested in validating that. Good luck.
@ТymaGaidash imagine creating a useless response to everything.
@ТymaGaidash Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 24 hours.
@ТymaGaidash I'm going to ignore that link. Waste your time somewhere else.
/mood &plify
@ТymaGaidash I'm feeling a bit napolean.
@ТymaGaidash Enter a one-word adjective to set my mood (e.g. happy, grumpy, nostalgic, etc).
@ТymaGaidash I am now ྾. :D
@ТymaGaidash I am now &xa0. :D
@ТymaGaidash I am now &xa0. :D
@ТymaGaidash I am now &plify. :D
@ТymaGaidash I am now &&;%. :D
@ТymaGaidash I am now &&&‡. :D
/mood &ice
@JacobMiller I am now &ice. :D
@JacobMiller I'm feeling a bit &ice.
/mood angry
@JacobMiller I am now angry. :D
@JacobMiller Please specify the room ID.
/summon 150785
@JacobMiller 1 more vote needed.
1 hour later…
@ТymaGaidash 1 more vote needed.
@ТymaGaidash I'm not in that room... -_-

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