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All commands
 ├── amilyxal
 ├── autolabel
 │   ├── branchname
 │   │   ├── add
 │   │   └── remove
 │   └── linkedissue
 │       ├── add
 │       └── remove
 ├── coffee
 ├── command
 │   ├── permission
 │   └── permissions
 ├── commands
 ├── cookie
 ├── group
 │   ├── create
 │   ├── delete
 │   ├── info
 │   ├── manager
 │   └── member
 ├── help
 ├── hug
 ├── issue
 │   ├── close
 │   └── open
 ├── maul
 ├── party
 ├── ping
 ├── status
 ├── sus
 ├── trick
 │   ├── delete
 │   └── upsert
 ├── user
!!/autolabel linkedissue add "Sandbox" "astley" "question"
@Ginger Autolabel linked-issue rule cm4k2jzdo00004rzq50pn6lyl added for repository Sandbox.
1 hour later…
gingershaped opened pull request #118 (Subbrnach 2) in Vyxal/Sandbox
!!/autolabel branchname add "Sandbox" "zingus-\d" "zingus"
@Ginger Autolabel branch-name rule cm4k4r8l800009kz1nma76hr9 added for repository Sandbox.
!!/autolabel branchname add "Sandbox" "+" ""
@Ginger Argument label not provided, expected a value of type STRING
@Ginger Invalid regular expression: nothing to repeat
gingershaped created branch zingus-0 in Vyxal/Sandbox
gingershaped opened pull request #119 (Zingus 0) in Vyxal/Sandbox
gingershaped opened pull request #119 (Zingus 0) in Vyxal/Sandbox
gingershaped opened pull request #119 (Zingus 0) in Vyxal/Sandbox
!!/help "autolabel add"
@Ginger !!/autolabel add (ENUM type: LINKED_ISSUE/BRANCH_NAME) (STRING repository) (STRING match) (STRING label): (no help)
!!/autolabel add LINKED_ISSUE "Sandbox" "astley" "question"
@Ginger Autolabel rule id='cm4k5qzah00002aspugs8rxqa' type='LINKED_ISSUE' repository='Sandbox' match='astley' label='question' created for repository Sandbox.
!!/autolabel add BRANCH_NAME "Sandbox" "zingus-\\d" "zingus"
@Ginger Autolabel rule cm4k5rrcj0000q5fr3qyqxiw4 created for repository Sandbox.
!!/autolabel list
Autolabel rules:
- cm4k5qzah00002aspugs8rxqa (LINKED_ISSUE): astley → question
- cm4k5rrcj0000q5fr3qyqxiw4 (BRANCH_NAME): zingus-\d → zingus
!!/autolabel remove "cm4k5qzah00002aspugs8rxqa"
@Ginger Autolabel rule cm4k5qzah00002aspugs8rxqa deleted.
!!/autolabel remove "jsioafjewoijw"
@Ginger Autolabel rule jsioafjewoijw deleted.
!!/autolabel add BRANCH_NAME "Sandbox" "zingus-\\d" "zingus"
@Ginger A rule with these parameters already exists.
alright, good
/learn /
@PetəíŕdtheWizard You haven't specified the command output.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Tricksy hobbitses. Command names can only contain letters (a-z) and numbers.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Saved.

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