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03:00 - 14:0015:00 - 23:00

3:24 AM
3 hours later…
6:31 AM
@zyabin101 I'm FOX9000, ProgramFOX's chatbot. You can find the source code on GitHub. You can get a list of all commands by running >>listcommands, or you can run >>help command to learn more about a specific command.
Hi! I'm the almighty bot of ChemistrySE's main chatroom. /!\ If you find me annoying, you can ignore me by clicking on my profile image and chosing "ignore this user" /!\ You can find my documentation here.
7:12 AM
7:58 AM
3 hours later…
11:01 AM
@humn alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, detectlang, translate, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *stop, *disable, *enable, *ban, *unban, +delete, *module, define
@humn Command not found. Did you mean: doubleflip?
(ノ´□`)ノ ┫:・’∵:.┻┻:・’.:┣∵・:. ┳┳
11:02 AM
!!doubleflip pilfer
right, know what "table" and "untable" really mean? just what they show?
11:03 AM
11:04 AM
@humn Not enough arguments.
>>xkcd 1
>>xkcd 100
>>xkcd 1000
11:04 AM
>>flip thauksi
@humn (づ°ᴥ°)づ︵ᴉsʞnɐɥʇ
>>flip yrw
@zyabin101 (ง๑ਊ๑)ง︵ʍɹʎ
>>flip urw
11:05 AM
@zyabin101 (┛๑ʖ๑)┛︵ʍɹn
>>doubleflip ununununun
@humn Command not found. Did you mean: doubleflip?
@humn nununununu ︵ヽ(゜³⇀)ノ︵ ununununun
>>shuffle effhlsu
@humn effhlsu
@FOX9000 ding
@FOX9000 flip kceq
11:08 AM
>>shuffle hello
@zyabin101 hello
@FOX9000 ding
>>shuffle no-op
@humn no-op
@FOX9000 ding
11:08 AM
>>exec date
@humn Command not found. Did you mean: read?
@humn alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, detectlang, translate, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *stop, *disable, *enable, *ban, *unban, +delete, *module, define
>>read date
@zyabin101 date is not a valid message id/link.
11:09 AM
>>detectlang hmm
@humn [Powered by Yandex Translate] Detected language: en (English)
>>tanslate hmm esperanto
@humn Command not found. Did you mean: translate?
>>translate hmm esperanto
11:10 AM
@zyabin101 Language not supported.
>>translate typo english
@humn Language not supported.
>>translate english typo
@humn Language not supported.
11:10 AM
>>translate typo en
@zyabin101 Language not supported.
>>translate ?
@humn Not enough arguments.
>>translate en typo
11:11 AM
@zyabin101 Language not supported.
>>translate greek greek
@humn There's no point in having the same input language as output language.
>>translate greek command english
@humn Language not supported.
>>translate greek english bostrouphedon
11:11 AM
@humn Language not supported.
>>translate greek english
@humn Language not supported.
11:13 AM
@humn Not enough arguments.
>>randomchoice 123
@humn 123
>>randomchoice not
@humn not
11:13 AM
>>randomchoice maybe this time
@humn maybe
>>randomchoice or this time
@humn this
11:14 AM
I give up.
>>randomchoice seems to take a list
@humn seems
>>randomchoice yes yeah yup yea
>>randomchoice seems to take a list
@humn list
@zyabin101 yeah
11:15 AM
>>random mysteries of life
@humn 0.4916157696833633
>>!!greet/FOX 9000
@humn Command not found. Did you mean: exec?
Welcome to The Periodic Table FOX%209000! Here are our chat guidelines and it's recommended that you read them. If you want to turn Mathjax on, follow the instructions in this answer. Happy chatting!
11:16 AM
Welcome to The Periodic Table FOX9000! Here are our chat guidelines and it's recommended that you read them. If you want to turn Mathjax on, follow the instructions in this answer. Happy chatting!
Darn, ninja'd.
??translate ninja'd english
>>translate !!flip/nested
@humn Not enough arguments.
11:17 AM
( つ•̀ω•́)つ¡¡ɟꞁᴉd/uǝsʇǝp
>>flip >>flip nested
@humn (づಠʖಥ)╯︵pǝʇsǝu dᴉןɟ<<
>>flip hmm >>flip huh
@humn (╯๑ل͜๑)づ︵ɥnɥ dᴉןɟ<< ɯɯɥ
11:18 AM
@humn Command not found. Did you mean: listcommands?
@humn Command not found. Did you mean: listcommands?
@humn Command not found. Did you mean: help?
11:18 AM
@humn alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, detectlang, translate, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *stop, *disable, *enable, *ban, *unban, +delete, *module, define
@humn Yes, I'm alive.
@humn Command not found. Did you mean: read?
@humn chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/1/sandbox is not a valid message id/link.
//cat dog pony
>>cat dog pony
@humn dog pony
@humn humn, FOX 9000, zyabin101, Chemobot, DavidPostill, Ixrec, kos, Bob
11:20 AM
>>ping Chemobot
@humn @Chemobot
>>ping humn
@humn @humn
>>ping FOX 9000
@humn @FOX @9000
11:20 AM
>>ping FOX
@humn @FOX
>>ping a ling humn humn
@humn @a @ling @humn @humn
>>ping @FOX9000
@humn @@FOX9000
11:22 AM
>>ping FOX9000
@humn @FOX9000
@humn alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, detectlang, translate, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *stop, *disable, *enable, *ban, *unban, +delete, *module, define
!!flip/forward >>flip backward
(۶ૈ‡▼益▼)۶ɟoɹʍɐɹp ⅋ƃʇ؛⅋ƃʇ؛ɟꞁᴉd qɐɔʞʍɐɹp
11:23 AM
!!doubleflip rnrnrn >>doubleflip rnrnrn
(ノ-_-)ノ ~┻━┻ ☆`
!!doubleflip/rnrnrn >>doubleflip rnrnrn
uɹuɹuɹ dᴉꞁɟǝꞁqnop؛ʇƃ⅋؛ʇƃ⅋ uɹuɹuɹ︵╰(゜Д゜)╯︵ɹuɹuɹu ⅋ƃʇ؛⅋ƃʇ؛ponqꞁǝɟꞁᴉd ɹuɹuɹu
>> translationswitch ?
@humn You don't have the privilege to execute this command.
11:24 AM
>>translate ?
@humn Not enough arguments.
>>random truly
@humn 0.6870170692749716
>>random 123
@humn 0.07948064724914872
11:24 AM
@humn 0.8184061995917934
>>random >>random
@humn 0.47525431786204586
>>randomchoice !!flip/o boy
@humn boy
11:25 AM
( つ•̀ω•́)つo qoʎ
>>randomchoice !!flip/o joy
(づ๑ʖ๑)┛︵o ɾoʎ
@humn !!flip/o
>>randomchoice !!flip/agan repeat huh
11:26 AM
@humn !!flip/agan
◟(`ﮧ´ ◟ )ɐƃɐu ɹǝdǝɐʇ ɥnɥ
>>randomchoice !!flip/yes TWO
>>exec read
@zyabin101 !!flip/yes
(۶ૈ‡▼益▼)۶ʎǝs ʇʍo
◟(`ﮧ´ ◟ )ʎǝs
11:27 AM
@humn No message id/link supplied.
>>randomchoice !!flip/yes TWO THREE
@zyabin101 !!flip/yes
(づ๑ʖ๑)┛︵ʎǝs ʇʍo ʇɥɹǝǝ
( つ•̀ω•́)つʎǝs
>>randomchoice !!flip/yes TWO THREE FOUR
@zyabin101 THREE
11:28 AM
(∿°○°)∿ʎǝs ʇʍo ʇɥɹǝǝ ɟonɹ
◟(`ﮧ´ ◟ )⅋ƃʇ؛⅋ƃʇ؛ɹɐupoɯ
!!flip/ >>random
(づ๑ʖ๑)┛︵ ⅋ƃʇ؛⅋ƃʇ؛ɹɐupoɯ
>>flip >>random
11:29 AM
@humn (┛'ل͜')┛︵ɯopuɐɹ<<
>>flip !!img/buckminsterfullerene
@humn (ง°³゜)ง︵ǝuǝɹǝןןnɟɹǝʇsuᴉɯʞɔnq/ƃɯᴉ¡¡
>>flip !!img/O(C)C
11:30 AM
@zyabin101 (งಠʖ')ง︵Ɔ(Ɔ)O/ƃɯᴉ¡¡
>>randomchoice !!flip/so what's with the double call !!flip/go for three
@humn call
(∿°○°)∿so ʍɥɐʇ⅋#Ɛ6؛s ʍᴉʇɥ ʇɥǝ ponqꞁǝ ɔɐꞁꞁ ¡¡ɟꞁᴉd/ƃo ɟoɹ ʇɥɹǝǝ
>>randomchoice !!flip/going !!flip/once !!flip/thrice
@humn !!flip/thrice
11:32 AM
( つ•̀ω•́)つƃoᴉuƃ ¡¡ɟꞁᴉd/ouɔǝ ¡¡ɟꞁᴉd/ʇɥɹᴉɔǝ
>>randomchoice !!flip/sure !!flip/maybe !!flip/perhaps
@humn !!flip/perhaps
(づಥਊಥ)づ︵snɹǝ ¡¡ɟꞁᴉd/ɯɐʎqǝ ¡¡ɟꞁᴉd/dǝɹɥɐds
>>randomchoice !!flip/all !!flip/one !!flip/of !!flip/these
@humn !!flip/one
11:34 AM
(۶ૈ‡▼益▼)۶ɐꞁꞁ ¡¡ɟꞁᴉd/ouǝ ¡¡ɟꞁᴉd/oɟ ¡¡ɟꞁᴉd/ʇɥǝsǝ
!!flip/ >>ignore
(╯°ਊ°)╯︵ ⅋ƃʇ؛⅋ƃʇ؛ᴉƃuoɹǝ
@humn Command not found. Did you mean: ping?
>>flip !!flip/me too
11:35 AM
@humn (╯^□^)ง︵ooʇ ǝɯ/dᴉןɟ¡¡
(۶ૈ‡▼益▼)۶ɯǝ ʇoo
>>flip < try
@humn (งಠᴥಠ)ง︵ʎɹʇ >
>>flip !!flip/flip
@zyabin101 (╯ಠ□ಠ)╯︵dᴉןɟ/dᴉןɟ¡¡
11:36 AM
forgot >>flip yo hoho
remember !!flip/works every time
(∿°○°)∿ʍoɹʞs ǝʌǝɹʎ ʇᴉɯǝ
>>flip !!flip/>>flip !!flip
(づಥਊಥ)づ︵⅋ƃʇ؛⅋ƃʇ؛ɟꞁᴉd ¡¡ɟꞁᴉd
@zyabin101 (ง^益^)ง︵dᴉןɟ¡¡ dᴉןɟ<</dᴉןɟ¡¡
11:38 AM
>> flip stoq lle 6u!IIec
@humn (┛ಥДಥ)┛︵ɔǝII¡n9 ǝןן boʇs
flip IIe
>>flip IIe
@humn (╯ಥД^)┛︵ǝII
>>flip !!img/C(C(C(C)(C)C)(C)C)(C(SC)(C)C)(C)C
flip s+oq IIe 6u!IIeɔ
11:40 AM
@zyabin101 (づಠ□ಠ)づ︵Ɔ(Ɔ)(Ɔ(Ɔ)(ƆS)Ɔ)(Ɔ(Ɔ)(Ɔ(Ɔ)(Ɔ)Ɔ)Ɔ)Ɔ/ƃɯᴉ¡¡
>> flip s+oq IIe 6u!IIeɔ
@humn (づ⇀ਊ⇀)づ︵cǝII¡n9 ǝII bo+s
>>ping FOX9000 Chemobot
@zyabin101 @FOX9000 @Chemobot
11:41 AM
FOX 9000: "Here." Chemobot: "!!img/here
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
11:42 AM
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
Chemobot: "Khe khm, Here."
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
11:42 AM
An omg is a molecule? A lol is a molecule? :O
11:43 AM
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
11:45 AM
Hold tight, I'm processing your request ... ( `o)ノノ ┫
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
@Chemobot He's processing my request indefinitely.
@ProgramFOX ^
11:47 AM
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
11:48 AM
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
11:50 AM
!!img/HeH HeH
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
11:51 AM
IENZQIKPVFGBNW-UHFFFAOYSA-N? Why this sequence of letters got into my image?
And where are you getting those great looking molecules from?
11:52 AM
>>doubleflip !!flip/learn something new every day
@humn ¡¡ɟןᴉd/ןǝɐɹu soɯǝʇɥᴉuƃ uǝʍ ǝʌǝɹʎ pɐʎ ︵ヽ(๑ل͜๑)ノ︵ ʎɐp ʎɹǝʌǝ ʍǝu ƃuᴉɥʇǝɯos uɹɐǝן/dᴉןɟ¡¡
(∿°○°)∿ꞁǝɐɹu soɯǝʇɥᴉuƃ uǝʍ ǝʌǝɹʎ pɐʎ
on a good day
11:55 AM
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
that was !!img/BORnGe
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
11:57 AM
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
<An error occured : cannot identify image file '1//temp//mol.gif'. Check your molecule's name.>
11:59 AM
1 hour later…
1:24 PM
>>translate englis command hindi
@manshu Language not supported.
>>translate english command hindi
@manshu Language not supported.
>>translate englis command greek
@manshu Language not supported.
1:24 PM
>>translate english command greek
@manshu Language not supported.
>>translate english greek command
@zyabin101 Language not supported.
1:25 PM
@manshu Command not found. Did you mean: listcommands?
@manshu alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, detectlang, translate, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *stop, *disable, *enable, *ban, *unban, +delete, *module, define
@manshu Argument parsing failed.
1:26 PM
>>cat hi
@manshu me
@manshu hi
@manshu Command not found. Did you mean: define?
>>ban FOX 9000
@manshu You don't have the privilege to execute this command.
1:27 PM
03:00 - 14:0015:00 - 23:00

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