905 messages found

Tue 19:58
I think the author here revised the post enough, and it can be reopened
Mon 19:39
A: Requests for Reopen & Undeletion Votes (volume 01/2022 - today)

Martin BrandenburgThis question was closed Error with semidirect_product in GAP because some users believed that this is supposed to be outside of the scope of MSE. That is not true, we have a separate tag for questions about GAP. Here is an example. It should be reopened.

Feb 13 09:54
A: Requests for Reopen & Undeletion Votes (volume 01/2022 - today)

user1729I am requesting that this question be reopened: Tietze Transformations: Show that $\langle x, y, z \mid (xy)^2xy^2\rangle$ is a free group of rank 2 The only answer is mine. A user incorrectly "corrected" the question (see the comments), and the first few close votes came during the period of the...

Feb 5 12:24
Also this one, SV which was reopened; I can't anymore vote to close
Jan 30 07:38
@SineoftheTime I don't understand why it was reopened
Jan 21 18:48
This question is perfectly clear, and there is context given at the end of the post. It should be reopened
Jan 14 07:12
C wrongly reopened dupe,, many tens (if not hundreds) of possible dupe targets besides the one I gave
Jan 9 12:05
ah I see they were later reopened
Jan 6 17:05
Find inverse function of $\sin x / \sin kx}$ can be a duplicate of some of these eight questions, but the vote was used up after the question was reopened after adding more details.
Jan 5 22:47
C dupe wrongly reopened after newbie complained on meta. Dupe target is in my comment on the Q. The answer accepted by the OP is a special case (prime p = 11) of the general method in the dupe - which occurs in many other prior answers
Dec 5, 2024 05:16
@ArcticChar So, another user had flagged it as a duplicate, but he chose the wrong question as a dupe. I dupe-hammered it, but then it bothered me that the close message said that the question was a dupe of two questions, where one of the questions listed was not actually a dupe. So I reopened, hoping to immediately reclose, only to learn that you cannot vote to reclose. It was a dumb decision on my part, because it didn’t really matter, and now it will be hard to close.
Dec 5, 2024 02:48
@MikeEarnest I saw that you closed and later reopened that post. Is there a problem with the duplicate target you chose? Do you still request to close it as duplicate with that duplicate target?
Dec 2, 2024 17:36
@user2661923 It should not be reopened since it is a solution-verification question that lacks the required context.
Dec 2, 2024 10:36
This question about sin(pi/2) = 0 was reopened, but the important information (how is pi defined) is still missing. I suggest to close the question again.
Nov 30, 2024 19:04
^^^ Update, even worse, the mod immediately unilaterally reopened it - as he has also done many times in the past for questions he's answered. Any experienced user knows well that there are many tens (if not hundreds) of dupe targets for that question. This - combined with other poor behavior (e.g. frequent begging for acceptance) - makes me sympathetic to Gerry's requests that this new mod should resign until they can follow site policies.
Nov 9, 2024 17:05
I don't understand why my question was closed (again). I was new to the site and in the original form the question was rightfully closed, after that I've added my attempt (and then the question was reopened) and it was closed an hour ago. No activity, no new answers. Strange
Oct 31, 2024 22:55
C duplicate reopened, likely by readers who didn't read closely enough to see it is dupe.
Oct 21, 2024 03:55
^^ above dupe was wrongly GB reopened by amWhy. It is a dupe (many times over) whether it is viewed it as a number-theory or logic question.
Oct 15, 2024 05:11
This question was closed as a duplicate, then reopened after some discussion. However, as it was pointed out in the comments, the question seems to be “wrong” – it is a multiple choice question where none of the answers is correct. Therefore I suggest to close it as “needs details or clarity.”
Oct 11, 2024 16:03
this question was closed, then OP added his effort and the question was reopened. Shorlty after (no edit occured), three of the users who voted to reopen voted to close. Should it be reopened?
Sep 24, 2024 05:16
I see. A user with golden logic tag closed it, and then one who also had golden logic tag reopened it. I suppose the previous duplicate candidate wasn't good enough for them?
Sep 16, 2024 22:56
C above pure PSQ, twice reopened, needs only 1 close vote.
Sep 14, 2024 20:44
^^^ Sigh, prior is now reopened (twice). It seems to be evolving into a political battle of PSQ vs anti-PSQ factions, with extreme (political) voting on the answer.
Sep 8, 2024 11:21
I think this question should be reopened. It was closed as "missing details or clarity", but actually the OP had just rediscovered a standard concept in axiomatic set theory, that of a hereditarily finite set.
Aug 13, 2024 12:56
A: Requests for Reopen & Undeletion Votes (volume 01/2022 - today)

Sine of the TimeI think this question should be reopened. OP added on attempt of solving the limit. Even if OP asks two questions in the same post, the limits are basically the same and are part of the same exercise (i.e. I think OP wants to know if it's possible to apply the arithmetic rules for limits).

Aug 10, 2024 04:34
@MikeEarnest Reopened. I’m not sure I follow how two extra close votes were introduced after it had already been edited.
Aug 9, 2024 13:21
After they make changes, it can be reopened---there is a meta thread designed to facilitate that, and this room also entertains requests for reopening (and I wish that there were more people here looking to reopen improved posts).
Aug 9, 2024 13:19
@FShrike Your perception is very different from my own. If anything, I get frustrated by the large number of low-quality questions which get highly upvoted and reopened without getting improved.
Aug 9, 2024 11:54
@FShrike I've not looked at the question. In general, of a question is not in an appropriate state now, it should be closed now. The point of closure, among other things, is to prevent answers which might be invalidated when the question is clarified. If the promised edits come, the question can be reopened.
Aug 8, 2024 17:21
@Peter: You say that you don't understand the reopen votes. I don't understand the close votes. The difference is: I actually explained the reasoning for why I think the question should be reopened, whereas none of the five close voters explained theirs. Nobody on this site is obligated to explain the reasons for why they vote, of course, but I find it a bit ironic that you are incredulous about the reopening, whilst not providing any reasoning for why the post should be closed.
Aug 8, 2024 12:53
@Joe reopened
Aug 1, 2024 20:47
@amWhy Notice that I explicitly mentioned that I'd answered it in my comment here, and explained why I reopened it at the post itself as well. What would you have preferred I do?
Aug 1, 2024 20:28
FYI I've just reopened math.stackexchange.com/questions/4952882 (having answered it); the dupe target selected was not in fact a duplicate of the question, nor does the answer to the target address the original question (the one sentence of the answer relating to the proof of the diagonal lemma is "It turns out that if you calculate the number of this formula, you get exactly the number you get by starting with the number 𝑘 and performing the operations described by the statement"
Jul 3, 2024 01:59
A: Allow bountied questions to be closed by regular users

marradosIt should be now possible to close/vote to close bountied questions. We followed the proposal to make the bounties an orthogonal feature. A bountied question can be closed & reopened. The bounty will stay open until its scheduled end or until closed.

Jun 25, 2024 19:39
A simple "Hey, heads up, I answered this question. I think it is a good question and should be reopened" immediately dispels a lot questions about someone's motivations. In the end, I think that this is more likely to lead to happy outcomes for everyone.
Jun 25, 2024 19:29
@XanderHenderson There is no need to say "I answered this". That should play no role whatsoever in the evaluation of whether the question should be closed, reopened, deleted etc. We are here to disseminate mathematical knowledge, not to win gaming points, badges etc.
Jun 25, 2024 17:24
It is a request: If you are involved in a closing or deleting or reopening or whatever, and you have significantly interacted with the post which you want closed or deleted or reopened or whatever, please let us know.
Jun 25, 2024 14:04
It is very possible that the question would have been reopened without your edits---but we don't know, because you didn't give the community a chance to do it's thing, and review the version of the question which was asked by the original author.
Jun 25, 2024 13:42
@Jakobian It can be perceived as a conflict of interest. If you answered a question, and you want that question reopened, you should note, in your request for reopening, that you answered the question. That's all.
Jun 21, 2024 19:51
A: Requests for Reopen & Undeletion Votes (volume 01/2022 - today)

Damir TenishevPlease consider reopening the Priority of subscript and superscript operations question again. I asked some days ago and it was reopened. Today it closed again with another reason. They ask to provide additional context. Could someone help me understand what do they want and in which way the ques...

May 8, 2024 15:19
@JeremyRickard I am this user , and no , I won't reopen it. I am surprised (to say the least) that it is almost reopened since the sense in which $a=a+1$ shoould hold is not clarified at all. Maybe , it was exaggertating that I posted this question multiple times , and I won't do this again since it is apparently pointless anyway. I still think this question should be deleted.
Apr 13, 2024 15:40
C/D wrongly reopened dupe of big FAQ (when is (2x^2+1)/(3x-1) an integer). Got reopened by common strategy: accepted answerer voted to reopen knowing most review Q robovoters only look at titles for testing dupeness.
Apr 8, 2024 11:50
@SLa I don't think that solving it for few examples gives enough context for it to be reopened
Apr 2, 2024 18:47
The audit said this question should be reopened. It just gives a blockquoted problem statement and asks how to solve part of it
Mar 30, 2024 13:14
@Ѕᴀᴀᴅ D1 is short and D2 very short from being reopened.
Mar 27, 2024 14:03
@DS almost reopened despite still total lack of context :(
Mar 23, 2024 02:27
I don't understand why this question was reopened. :/ Showing limit exists using epsilon-delta definition‭ - Hayley‭ 2024-03-22 22:46:55Z

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