160 messages found

Jul 3, 2023 07:57
Q: I prompt an AI into generating something; who created it: me, the AI, or the AI's author?

Rebecca J. StonesI've been struggling with this question recently: Question: I prompt an AI into generating something; who created it? I can think of arguments in quite a few directions: I created it: The AI is an advanced tool (like a computer) that allows me to generate things which I could not generate otherwi...

Jun 24, 2021 19:18
Q: Simplify IF/ELSE Statements for a Javascript Array - Multilingual Site

Rebecca BI have written some javascript code for a multilanguage site. The code works great but I feel like I have a lot of duplicate code. I was wondering if someone can explain how I can make this simpler or minimized. I have tried to use a forEach(function (item, index) but it does not seem to be worki...

Jun 30, 2020 23:34
Q: I wrote my first pathfinding algorithm

RebeccaI'm currently writing a small game in Lua, using the Love2d framework. I guess I'm doing it as a practice of sorts, but it did give me the opportunity to write my first pathfinding algorithm. I wrote it based off of a 10 minute Youtube video I saw explaining A*, and luckily it works fine. The pat...

Jun 26, 2020 16:37
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Well now I know about Rebecca Black and Friday.
Jun 26, 2020 16:20
@pacmaninbw I left the message on my iPad last night and it autocorrected "Astley" to "Ashley" .... and Rebecca black has been mentioned a few times in this room .e.g.
Jun 26, 2020 03:38
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ And I'm sorry, but I don't know who Rick Ashley or Rebecca Black are.
Jun 26, 2020 03:07
@pacmaninbw sorry - at least I didn’t suggest a song by Rick Ashley or Rebecca Black...
Jun 4, 2020 21:16
Hi Rebecca, welcome to StackOverflow. I'll note that this question may not be the best fit for this site which aims more to have questions with concrete answers and this one is more soliciting a range of opinions. A good place for it might be on the code review stackexchangeGeorge Mauer 32 secs ago
Nov 29, 2019 16:13
Nov 28 '14 at 12:53, by rolfl
Rebecca Black Friday .... double-meme
Nov 29, 2019 15:50
It's only (Rebecca) Black Friday once a year.
Jul 26, 2019 13:12
Q: We're all Rebecca Chernoff \o/

Yi JiangOn this frabjous day, our community manager Rebecca Chernoff has graciously allowed all of us *1 to be her for one day, and one day only. And so, ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you: We're all Rebecca Chernoff \o/ A userscript dedicated to making all of you Rebecca Chernoffs. Reall...

Jul 26, 2019 13:12
@Vogel612 Apparently everyone was Rebecca Chernoff once:
Jul 19, 2019 08:37
you could also ask here for a codereview codereview.stackexchange.com (i think it's actually the place to ask for that instead of stackoverflow, since your code is working and all that) — rebecca 47 secs ago
Jan 12, 2019 20:50
Q: Display the largest element of an object

Rebeccanamespace problema_1 { class classMaxim { public int calculeazaMaxim(int[] tab) { int maxim = tab[0]; for (int i = 1; i <= tab.Length; i++) { if (tab[i] > maxim) maxim = tab[i]; } return maxim; } } class Program { ...

May 3, 2018 13:05
This portion of my function has eslint returning a complexity of 7. Code review passes a complexity of 6 or less, so I want to reduce this piece down as much as I can. It's not complex in a real sense, but by the linting standards it is — Rebecca O'Sullivan 49 secs ago
Mar 30, 2018 18:31
@Malachi Rebecca Black?
Mar 28, 2018 14:55
Q: Subclassing pandas DataFrame for an ETL

Rebecca AckermanI'm writing a small ETL, which loads data from CSVs, cleans each table a bit, and then loads everything into a PostgreSQL database. I was planning to use pandas for its built-in capabilities, but am wondering whether to subclass DataFrame or whether to just do everything functionally. The subcla...

Oct 3, 2017 11:37
Q: Photoshop scripting (javascript). Copying tiff files to template, changing text and saving. Looking to find a way to condense all those "ifs"

Rebecca TaylorI'm extremely new to scripting (this is one of my first scripts so please don't laugh too hard at how inefficient or weird it is). I'm trying to have my script copy a tiff image into a template file, change the text in the template file and then save as using the name off the tiff files. At which...

Sep 27, 2017 13:14
It also highlights any URLs that contain the words "rebecca black" on a friday ^^
May 12, 2017 15:25
(and Monking, Rebecca).
Apr 28, 2017 16:16
We need a Malachi here for some Rebecca Black.
Apr 10, 2017 15:56
@rolfl is there that many Rebecca Black songs?
Apr 10, 2017 15:06
@Malachi - maybe I should send yuou one Rebecca Black link for each friday you missed?
Oct 28, 2016 17:38
My Kids ask Alexa to play that Rebecca Black song every Friday Morning.....
Aug 26, 2016 21:43
someone just flagged a bit-ly link to rebecca black
Aug 12, 2016 13:12
I prefer doing it like Copyright Rebecca Black or Copyright example.com
Aug 12, 2016 12:42
@Trojan404 hyperdev is a site by idk, the guy that currently runs SE or smth (I don't like how silent he is. jeff is vocal and cool man, wish he was still here on SE) that is basically a free js full stack host. and that is a page filled with our precious bridge meme of your hopes and dreams are now this pear combined with comic sans and rainbow font that redirects to rebecca black's friday in 5 seconds
Jul 29, 2016 17:45
Good thing that was Saturday/Rebecca Black. Completely different.
Jul 29, 2016 17:45
Friday/Rebecca Black.
Jul 22, 2016 19:08
Poor Rebecca.
Jul 22, 2016 19:07
> The awfulness of Rebecca Black's "Friday" made sense to you. She released it when she was 13 years old. Her mom had paid a production company $4,000 to write her two songs and do one big mad video about how exciting it is to sit on or in or around cars on the best day of the week.
Jul 22, 2016 16:20
@Pimgd No, Rebecca Black.
Jul 22, 2016 07:24
That guy is 40 years old and a father, and that "really attractive woman" is a picture of rebecca black from friday
Jul 8, 2016 17:56
An interesting discussion, on Friday? No Rebecca Black? Am I in the correct room? ^^
Jul 8, 2016 13:44
@N3buchadnezzar so I gotta ask. What kind of satanist are you if you get Rebecca Black stuck in someone's head?
Jun 24, 2016 17:15
@Mast because the Friday Meme started with me not knowing about Rebecca Black's Friday song and hating it badly
May 25, 2016 13:39
@Quill not watching that, it will be Rebecca Black all over again
Mar 29, 2016 05:26
my javascript console is filled with rebecca black
Feb 29, 2016 09:38
hmmhmhhh but all I'm asking for really is "Please do not post links to videos of rebecca black that are labeled as generic interesting stuff or objectively labelled as something they are not".
Feb 29, 2016 09:36
Yes, it pings the page and checks the html content for the words rebecca black
Feb 29, 2016 09:35
Oh btw, there is a rebecca black filter userscript written out there

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