584 messages found
Jan 3 03:00
No, "I'm sorry." No, "we did this and we were wrong to have done this and we take full responsibility" blah.
Dec 27, 2024 17:02
@M.A.R. We should write some new questions that will generate professionally sound answers rooted in standard syntactic tests which can then become canonical close targets for a bunch of these perpetual confusions over lexical-vs-syntactic categories. Basically anything that involves "used at BLAH" leads to problems and contradictions with many misunderstandings and endless arguments, so we should provide solid canonicals for these (beatification optional).
Dec 27, 2024 03:01
@Cerberus It's a very old one, and it's what they normally add to over-the-counter cocktail medications to call them "Blah PM" versions where the PM bit is their way of telling you that they make you sleep more.
Nov 13, 2024 23:51
If he wants them Senate-approved instead of acting-blah, yes.
Aug 19, 2024 22:30
Also sprinkled about the talk "{some random observation} ... which I was the first one to fore see in my book blah blah .."
Mar 17, 2024 15:42
I mistrust how often people reach for the "oh this is ellipsis because they deleted BLAH" explanation of things.
Mar 17, 2024 15:39
no matter BLAH, let alone BLAH
Feb 4, 2024 19:06
"I am both honored and humbled to accept this... blah balha blah... so many nameless people who watched along the way... without whom of which my work would have been completed in half the time..."
Dec 16, 2023 05:08
Blah is always something bad.
Dec 7, 2023 03:12
Crap, most of the Spotify ads seem to assume I'm in some sort of relationship. I just got to hear the "as a new parent…" blah blah blah 55 more seconds about diseases that I can never remember to skip
Dec 5, 2023 15:28
@Robusto With respect to croissants I am vaguely aware that they were invented by some guy in Vienna in the 1700's and something something the Ottoman Empire somethety something Islam blah blah blah crescent moon. And so they were called crescents (because they are shaped like crescents, or even better were shaped like that to enrage/entice Muslim soldiers when people ate a religious symbol.
Nov 9, 2023 16:27
@Mitch Blah blah blah, but it seems to have arisen in 1880 in print. So I would guess it arose in the Civil War, which was all about firearms.
Apr 8, 2023 14:33
@user858770 blah blah blah
Apr 5, 2023 20:53
And then I can say at conversations at parties "Hey did you know that the start of the bass line in the Beatle's "I'm a Loser" starts on A flat and not A as you would expect from blah de blah blah"
Mar 13, 2023 15:00
Four score and seven... blah blah blha ... Amen Doctor?
Oct 23, 2022 23:13
So three kinds of cookies, blah blah blah.
Oct 17, 2022 21:54
@FaheemMitha bah, it's eeeasy. Consequentialism blah blah informal fallacy blah blah labels more labels. And the rest is 'navel-gazing' if you want to be provocative and 'promising in a century or two' if you wanna be hopeful
Oct 6, 2022 13:55
But someone says to another "blah blah blah seldom bla ablah balh"
Sep 30, 2022 15:01
So we kinda already have all sorts of herbal supplements rife with cheap antioxidants that are marketed as preventing cancer or autoimmune diseases blah blah blah
Aug 7, 2021 21:36
@Cerberus Yeah. something something Nicola Sturgeon bal blah seriously consider.... somethety next steps on
Mar 20, 2021 20:46
"baruch something something adonai blah blah let's eat"
Mar 18, 2021 15:25
But also "The British Royal family blah blah something really really weird that has no consequences to anything whatsoever"
Mar 18, 2021 15:24
"Japan blah blah something really really weird that has no consequences to anything whatsoever"
Mar 18, 2021 15:21
@M.A.R. "Israel blah blah did something mean to the Palestinians"
Mar 18, 2021 15:20
it's "defense minister" this and "productivity blah blah unemployment rate" that
Feb 1, 2021 19:22
@Mitch That's something I've idly wondered for some time. We tell people, and they like to hear, that it's a democracy blah blah. And when it is, a significant portion of the masses is always easily swayed and manipulated.
Jan 12, 2021 18:32
All I read is "@Mitch blah lbhla blhlab lhalbh lahblahl bl"
Oct 14, 2020 21:41
> Then they go up one more level: people send files, but web browsers also “send” requests for web pages. And when you think about it, calling a method on an object is like sending a message to an object! It’s the same thing again! Those are all sending operations, so our clever thinker invents a new, higher, broader abstraction called messaging, but now it’s getting really vague and nobody really knows what they’re talking about any more. Blah.
Oct 13, 2020 01:42
> [blah blah] On August 28, the Government of Puerto Rico revised the official death toll to be 4,645 people.
Sep 7, 2020 00:58
I don't know what happened yesterday that blew this one up. 100 degrees blah blah but still.
Aug 22, 2020 19:05
The blah receptors being blocked or increasing, I dunno, didn't pay much attention
Jul 3, 2020 20:43
I know the tongue twister about weathering blah blah
Jun 5, 2020 20:58
@Jasper The launch of SpaceX Crew Dragon was important, not because of the horseshit blah blah American soil blah blha kiss the flag blah blah , because it showed how successful integration between independent private contractors and NASA (and the international space community) can be.
May 27, 2020 21:58
When we moved I got rid of all my vinyl. Like 1200 albums. Because, you know, digital is better. Even the schmucks who know that still want to pay $4,000 for a McIntosh tube amp and $8,000 for a Thorens turntable with a Rabco tone arm and blah blah blah. Fuck 'em. There are only a few cases where I can't find digital recordings of things I want.
May 1, 2020 01:17
Reichsland Elsaß-Lothringen blah blah.
Apr 16, 2020 14:38
As the guy in the video sums it up, "You have to make the commitment to provide healthcare for everybody." That is where the US falls woefully short. And it does so because rich people in the US don't want to pay more taxes, and have convinced enough of the populace (through so-called "news organizations" like Fox) that white, lower-middle-class citizens will be forced to pay for black women to have dozens of babies and blah blah blah.
Dec 1, 2019 20:36
I actually see "discuss how blah blah" often enough in typical exercises in books, but "discuss", yeah, SNL, that figures.
Nov 16, 2019 15:14
So yeah. Likewise if you'd never seen the word "noun" before and see the phrase "noun adjuncts are formed by blah", then you could wonder "what is a noun?" or you could wonder "what is noun?" and both would be equally fine, and the latter probably even more likely.
Oct 18, 2019 16:39
Blah blah blah blood concentrations arise by 30 percent blah blah blah mice dead blah blah blah
Aug 11, 2019 20:42
@M.A.R. Hmm, that's not quite the same though. That's usually a closed pair than an open series. With that having been said, I suppose I'm just spouting out a bunch of blah blah. :-P
Aug 1, 2019 14:09
One of my pet peeves on ELU is the question that really turns out to be 'blah bl h blah how do I deal with my girlfriend bla balb'...
Jul 31, 2019 19:57
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Look man, I don't listen to the news, I just hear it in the background: blah blah blha Huawei blah blah secret sex slave blah blah roses and lilacs blah blah win a trip to blah blah your mother-in-law blah blah
"blah blah blah"