Genealogy Conference

Focused chat about a unique genealogy topic announced at
2374d ago – aitía
Next scheduled event: “Weekly Genealogy Chat”

Mar 1

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Nov 10, 2013 14:01
"Gotisch" typeface is unusual to eyes used to roman letters. I first encountered it in church in the German services we still had when I was a child. Funnily enough, OCR software can handle it, as I found about 15 years ago (I got tired up doing directory look-ups manually).
Since Japanese uses some Chinese characters, I checked to see how Cantonese is written: "Mandarin and Cantonese text almost look the same, but both are pronounced differently." Challenging!
Nov 6, 2013 20:44
Our topic for Saturday 11/9 will be language barriers
Nov 1, 2013 23:36
This week (11/2/2013) we will use the same topic, Sharing your work -- tips, tricks, pitfalls and prizes
Oct 23, 2013 23:46
Our topic for Saturday 10/26 will be Sharing your work -- tips, tricks, pitfalls and prizes
Oct 7, 2013 20:41
@CristianaNicolae Start by visiting every relative and getting them to show you all their archives - photos, documents, whatever. Make sure you have a reasonably good camera to take photos of the photos (you can of course loan them out for scanning, but that comes later), and takes notes about every little bit of history, store or plain old rumours they tell you.
Oct 5, 2013 22:17
(The GOV database is awesome :))
Oct 5, 2013 13:43
Speaking about the topic at hand: From personal experience, the best kind of genealogical travel is the one where you already have relatives you have contact to in the area and can simply visit them and talk about the family history.
Oct 5, 2013 07:30
For online archives though, it's very regional. Southern Poland (Silesia specifically) is very good for historical documents, since the Silesian Digital Library is already huge and growing in leaps and bounds. Church archives, not so much. Eastern Poland (around Lublin and so on) have it other way around.
Oct 1, 2013 01:39
Our topic for 10/5 will be Genealogy Travel
Sep 21, 2013 15:08
And my "main" copy is a database on a server - specifically, on my own server, interfaced with webtrees. That's the same as if I had it on my own computer, with the added convenience that it's actually a web site so I can work on it from any computer (or mobile device) and show it to relatives simply by sending them links to it.
Aug 31, 2013 12:03
Our topic for 8/31/2013 will be current brick walls and how to break them
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