whatever, quid

Musings and chat about math, SE and more. All welcome. At times, posting songs with "time" and "sun" in the title.
739d ago – ペガサス Seiya

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Jul 2, 2022 05:53
In any case, I wish you all the best @quid - and I hope that your "break" from Stack Exchange is just temporary.
Jul 2, 2022 05:52
And one could say the same about me - I am definitely less active here than I used to be.
Aug 5, 2020 18:05
I'm not strict regarding starring here.
Jan 28, 2023 23:20
I won't be surprised if the above message will lead to the question whether guys is gender-neutral or not. (I think I saw many discussions around this on SE.)
Aug 12, 2020 17:35
Is this something that people did in the Before Times?
Aug 7, 2020 17:16
$$\Huge \color{blue}{\text{HAPPY FRIDAY !!}}$$
Aug 5, 2020 22:57
Y'all were rather well behaved as regards the starring. I am almost disapointed.
Mar 7, 2021 18:20
@user85795 yes
Aug 24, 2020 15:55
@user21820: I would go even further that one should have the guts to face the consequences of their actions rather than justifying their acts on basis on religious texts (or anything said by some authority). The idea of getting away with the consequences seems to give a high to a lot of people.
Aug 5, 2020 22:57
@quid $\star \star \star \star \star \star\;\;$...
Aug 5, 2020 18:07
I'll see all the glory of your starring sprees when I come back.
Aug 5, 2020 17:44
In my opinion, it is best to always try to improve yourself rather than trying to outdo others.
May 16, 2021 13:13
Sometimes when I look at some random stats on MO, I have to say that it is quite impressive how much work quid did there.
Jul 15, 2020 01:45
@quid I wish I could downvote comments... BOOO!
Mar 30, 2021 20:09
@MartinSleziak ah, I did not recall that. I understood what I had said but did not recall the source or why I knew it. Getting old or wise maybe.
Mar 3, 2023 00:00
Jan 28, 2023 23:08
@MartinSleziak I have no preference, freeze is fine.
Dec 2, 2018 22:13
But in general, I think contest math gives a false sense of "smart" to those who do well, and a false sense of "not so smart" to those who don't do so well on a timed test, where speed and tricks and shortcuts are of the essence. Too many math competitions measure competitiveness, capacity to think clearly under time pressure, capacity to recall mnemonics and shortcuts and tricks from eons of training. Those qualities do not map, bijectively, with qualities indicating mathematical brilliance.
Nov 6, 2018 22:29
@BillDubuque Stop changing the subject every time anyone makes a valid point you know not how to answer or address.
Aug 24, 2020 14:53
I don't know whether I am in the minority, but I don't think we should give any kind of explicit or implicit permission (worse still if we say God gave it) for intentional sexual assault of an unwilling person. If war makes you go crazy, do not go to war!
Aug 10, 2020 20:40
@OmarS as @Xander said the goal is really to prevent bursts. If you edit one question per hours no one will complain even if you total 16 in the end.
Aug 5, 2020 18:05
Wow suddenly there seems to be a big crowd.
Jul 30, 2020 13:57
You have a lot of fun and get to talk about things you like, but sometimes you have to give people you like bad grades, which sucks.
Jul 27, 2020 18:09
Unrelated to what I said above, I generally avoid war stories (whether fiction or non-fiction) because the evils in real life are already depressing enough. Now you know why I like fantasy. =)
Jul 23, 2020 17:15
Jul 18, 2020 07:59
user image
Jul 17, 2020 16:33
@XanderHenderson TATTLETALE when I tell your mother what you did with all the ink.
Jul 13, 2020 15:28
@amWhy "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
Jul 6, 2020 23:17
I always recommend reading bukowski rather than listening to what people say about him, though. For some reason a lot of people are very opinionated about him in ways that don't seem to have any basis in reality
Jul 4, 2020 00:41
Now, suddenly, there are a much larger number of young women who have role models. In principle, if one does this every year for a while, you should start to see a return on the investment, in that you will have more young women who apply to the program, because they suddenly have role models.
Jul 3, 2020 00:32
Thanks for spending time here, today, @quid. I really appreciate it. I will leave you in peace. And I'm sorry to have interrupted in what seems to have been a busy day for you today.
Jun 22, 2020 15:00
Similarly, spelling bees have very little to do with writing ability.
Jun 22, 2020 12:28
To qualify the above a bit. It's also fine, maybe even desirable, to engage in "useless activities" if one enjoys them. I mean I play chess which also not really useful. But it's not something one should feel one needs to do.
Jun 14, 2020 14:18
@quid I've been thinking a lot on the following: I think SE should have one annual day: "We're all new users Day", where, for one SE day, all users, save for mods, are temporarily, for one day, set to rep one, to help remind long term users of the restrictions that new users face, and to experience much of what they've long forgotten. I just think it could be fun. Even if only for a few hours.
Jun 8, 2020 20:16
Number Theory is also a wide field.
Jun 8, 2020 19:43
@ArjunRana the point of a pseudonym is not to reveal them.
Jun 7, 2020 14:29
@Zacky an issue to me is that it raises confidence if users try to be transparent in their approach.
Jun 7, 2020 14:17
I would however also say that there are limits to the attention we should pay to opinions coming from accounts with no or hardly any activity on the site. Of course we need to listen to concerns of new users, and certainly one does not need to be a "power users" to be involved in debates. But if stiring up meta-controversy is the main activity of an account it does raise questions.
Jun 7, 2020 03:40
@RithikKapoor I am not a fool.
Jun 7, 2020 03:33
@RithikKapoor Why? Anyone is free to participate in CURED. They don't even have to speak up, or even show up in the side bar; they can read the entire transcript without ever making the presence known.
May 25, 2021 00:21
@VerónicaRmz. especially in pure math it can be important to explain why one studies something and to motivate it.
Apr 10, 2021 13:56
@MartinSleziak Thank you for pointing this out to me. I did get a notification. It used to be true that site mods could be pinged in chats associated to the site very easily (and mods have a chat-specific "superping"). But I infrequently use chat superpowers. Anyhow, I will update my answer, probably this evening.
Nov 6, 2018 22:41
@BillDubuque I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.
Nov 6, 2018 22:31
@BillDubuque Again, your PERCEPTION of organized voting.
Nov 6, 2018 22:30
Stop moving the goal posts.
Nov 6, 2018 18:48
@BillDubuque I think it is a mistake to dismiss feedback from peers like this.
Nov 6, 2018 18:37
i don't think there's anything wrong about your writing style, @Bill, but if people find it hard to read, they're gonna downvote you. at least they're telling you why
Oct 21, 2020 22:39
@user1993 as others said mostly it is really a question of luck. It's like riding public transport bus without a ticket, for some nothing will happen, others will get a fine. It does not mean that the ticket controls are biased.
Oct 11, 2020 17:02
Indeed, moderators generally don't "punish" anyone unless there is a clear pattern.
Oct 11, 2020 17:01
And moderators don't generally take action unless problems are brought to our attention.
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