The Quill and Tankard

General discussion of "A Song of Ice and Fire", (and that TV show thingy) including all SPOILERS.
2019d ago – Aegon

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Aug 8, 2016 14:53
Aug 4, 2016 21:45
@Aegon Lol. People are up in arms about that miscarriage she had.
Aug 2, 2016 04:28
@Skooba Gods no! Save D&E from D&D!
Aug 1, 2016 21:29
Also the SSM regarding this issue.
Aug 1, 2016 21:27
@Skooba @Aegon You guys might be intersted in: Where is Bran? (Winterfell Feast)
Jul 31, 2016 22:30
@StackExchange There's evidence to suggest that he thinks he slept with Cat. But he's definitely slept with Lysa once they married.
Jul 28, 2016 13:23
Jul 27, 2016 04:49
This comment is still my most valued contribution to this site, and yet it's gone unnoticed!
Jul 26, 2016 12:05
NK is Coldhands
Jul 26, 2016 11:40
Joffrey/Myrcella/Tommen answers aren't fit to be posted on questions about bastardy if someone was to ask my opinion. they are paraded as trueborn baratheons. Only a few people have legit reasons to believe otherwise
Jul 26, 2016 05:14
@Skooba Yeah, sometimes I think @Aegon has a direct link to his brain uploaded to GRRM's.
Jul 15, 2016 19:49
Fan Theory: Aegon is DB Weiss
Jul 14, 2016 20:19
If I ever wrote SFF I would come here and ask... point out all my plot holes. before i published
Jul 1, 2016 07:29
@Skooba Given the extended run time of the season six finale... I'm assuming we'll see more episodes like that. At this point, it's the most popular, successful TV show ever created - if they can't bend the rules of TV, no one can.
Jul 1, 2016 03:47
"However the screenwriter and producer has now confirmed rumors that it is almost at an end, telling that there will only be between ten and 15 more episodes, spread over two shortened series." --- seriously F*** these guys if they actually do this. dont stretch 10-15 episodes over two seasons... F*** that. either give us 2 full season or one long season. bad enough we have to wait a FULL YEAR between seasons!
Jun 23, 2016 13:08
@DrRDizzle he didnt get any development, which is why bringing him back just to kill him seems even more odd. His whole arc was be alive, disappear, be killed. But be killed for what? to prove Jon is still a softie and Sansa has turned harder than we realized?
Jun 13, 2016 12:30
Oh that's quite alright. I don't really mind spoilers
Jun 8, 2016 11:40
Then again, this is Game of Thrones we are talking about, so...
Jun 1, 2016 04:28
Man this room is quieter than Annual Silent Sisters Conference
May 3, 2016 00:20
George Martin
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