
When should a tag be added
10h ago – Martin Sleziak
Xander Henderson: 13d ago, 319 posts (1%)

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May 12, 2023 11:54
I have removed "plane" from that post. Not sure about the other two.
May 5, 2023 19:13
@MartinSleziak Yeah, the tag is not a good one. It should go away.
Apr 6, 2022 07:26
Are questions about tag creation welcome here?
Apr 18, 2023 15:01
there seems to be 3 classes of questions with : (1) ones about infinitesimal constructions, (2) ones where the word differential can be replaced by one of "derivative" and "differential form", (3) ones where the tag was meant to be or or some such thing
Apr 18, 2023 14:14
@ronno Differentials are objects which come into their own in the study of smooth manifolds. I don't think that the existing tag wiki is all that great, but there is something distinct about differentials (vs derivatives).
Apr 18, 2023 09:48
As I posted in the retagging question, I want to improve the state of the differential tag and the suggestion seems to be positively received. Is this a good place to discuss what exactly should be done and how to go about it?
Mar 21, 2023 00:06
@Feeds The proposed tag "fractional-differential-equations" has drawn three upvotes and no downvotes, so a positive response by common standards. I see there are forty existing Questions that combine tags fractional-calculus and ordinary-differential-equations, the natural alternative. So perhaps there is the necessary quantity of posts to connect up.
Mar 17, 2023 00:47
A: Tag management 2023

gcirianiI propose the tag Fractional-differential-equations (FDE). They are increasingly becoming important. To give a flavor of its importance I'm including an article in which the Covid pandemic was studied with FDE: Application of piecewise fractional differential equation to COVID-19 infection dynami...

Mar 16, 2023 17:03
Q: Fractional-Differential-Equation tag

gcirianiFractional Differential Equations are becoming very important. I propose to the community to consider it a tag, and also its abbreviation FDE. To give a flavor of its importance I'm including an article in which the Covid pandemic was studied with FDE: Application of piecewise fractional differen...

Feb 18, 2023 07:33
@MartinSleziak It seems to me that this is already covered by : math.stackexchange.com/…
Feb 7, 2023 05:29
A new tag was created.
Sep 28, 2020 01:58
Someone should tell this user that is not ok to create a tag and go on a mass retagging spree
Sep 28, 2020 01:58
That is, new tags should generally be tested and let to sit for a while to see if they merit community approval (imo, anyway)
Jan 5, 2023 05:53
A new tag was created.
Jan 4, 2023 11:27
A new tag was created.
Jan 3, 2023 09:34
A new tag was created.
Dec 8, 2022 18:11
I don't think that I, personally, am opposed to such a tag, but I also don't see it as being terribly useful. :/
Dec 8, 2022 18:10
I removed the tag, and left a comment directing the asker to the tag management thread, and to this room.
Nov 23, 2022 17:24
From the above, I'd say that the people who participated in that discussion on Meta Stack Exchange consider not synonymizing those two tags as a better option.
Nov 23, 2022 14:09
@MartinSleziak I think that this seems like a reasonable meta discussion. I think that my preference would be to have be made a synonym of , since the bookmarking system has been superseded by the save system, but I can't say that I have a strong opinion.
Oct 26, 2022 18:01
The background: I think that is unnecessary. The tag wiki shows that it was created for a very specific property of convex functions. But apparently it is abused frequently, e.g. in this recent question, for questions about convex functions involving some inequality.
Oct 26, 2022 18:01
I think one should get rid of it, and replace it by where needed. Or make a tag synonym? But I don't know if it worth the effort to post and discuss this on Meta :)
Oct 26, 2022 17:09
Can someone tell me how to search for questions which are not tagged with a specific tag? Concretely, I want to find out how many questions are tagged with but not with . I could not find that information in math.stackexchange.com/help/searching.
Mar 16, 2020 10:23
My personal recommendation would be to make an answer in the Tag management thread - to see what other people think about the new tag.
Aug 17, 2022 19:56
(For reference, the two that I feel I rejected correctly are math.stackexchange.com/questions/128991/… and math.stackexchange.com/questions/73237/… which deal with 2D objects in 3D; the third one I should have approved.)
Aug 17, 2022 19:54
When I recently checked my sugested edit queue, it contained three different edits where the tag "solid-geometry" was added to a post. I didn't know this tag and the description does not really help - it claims to be about all 3D Euclidean space, but references a Wikipedia page that claims it's about 3D solids (and which has a lack of citation warning). What does it mean? Should the explanation of the tag (that isn't used that often) be improved?
Jan 6, 2021 20:50
I mean "inner-product" or "inner-products" would be just as good.
Jul 8, 2022 11:53
The word "dimension" in mathematics has a lot of meanings in different fields, and these various notions of dimension don't necessarily have a lot in common. A tag seems like a very bad idea---totally useless.
Apr 10, 2019 05:46
It's ultimately your call, but I'd wait a bit. IMO opinion there is no urgency - whether the tag is created today or a week later, there's not much of a difference.
Apr 6, 2022 14:09
@MartinSleziak @MichaelAlbanese I think that is something which could be brought up in the tagging thread. While this seems like a good idea, it is way outside my area of mathematical expertise, and I would like to see some community input about whether these tags should (or should not) include the word "groups".
Apr 6, 2022 14:04
I think it would make sense to change hopfian-groups to hopfian to be consistent with co-hopfian. Alternatively, co-hopfian could be made co-hopfian-groups. Not sure which of the two would be preferred. Regardless, how can I suggest such a change?
Apr 6, 2022 13:28
I have decided to create the co-hopfian tag. Is my impression correct that capital letters are not to be used in tags?
Apr 6, 2022 10:51
Maybe I should say that it is nice that there are people who try to ask (somewhere - in chat, on meta, ...) before creating a tag. There is certainly a lot of users who simply create tag - without considering whether it is a useful tag, whether such tag has already been removed before, etc.
Apr 6, 2022 08:38
There is already for groups which are not isomorphic to a proper quotient of themselves. I was wondering if it is worth creating a tag for co-hopfian groups which are groups which are not isomorphic to a proper subgroup of themselves.
Apr 6, 2022 04:17
BTW you can used [tag:examples-counterexamples] or [meta-tag:support] both in the posts and in chat. (The advantage being that it is visually distinguished as a tag and that one gets a link.)
Apr 4, 2022 12:06
At least for some of them, seems to be a better suited tag than or .
Apr 3, 2022 22:30
I think the backpropagation tag should be merged to the AI. And when someone ask, could be AI+multivariable calculus
Apr 3, 2022 06:23
Still, the question remains. For verification question we have and as synonyms. Should there be a tag called - in addition to ?
Jul 18, 2020 18:19
@XanderHenderson I have no complaints about having a proper discussion about this. It is very hard to convince me that new tags are needed, but it's not impossible.
Apr 1, 2022 05:30
Q: If there's a "short" question, to some extent, why not to edit properly with the proper tags?

Verónica R. M.Whether the question actually needs more context, for some users, shouldn't the question be properly tagged? In a more extreme context, suppose the question is a psq, those shouldn't be properly tagged? e.g. it's about analysis, why to tag the question with algebra?

Feb 24, 2022 10:47
@MartinSleziak I'm not so sure if this tag is required, and littleO has expressed the same sentiment; bump functions are usually not the "star of the show"
May 8, 2020 08:14
@MartinSleziak If you're referring to the default tag on every Meta, renaming it is currently : meta.stackexchange.com/a/347566/313042
Feb 3, 2022 04:17
@MartinSleziak and should be synonyms, or the latter should be eliminated (e.g. notice there is no tag for "mathematical finance" and all such questions fall under )
Jan 31, 2022 02:25
@MartinSleziak may be worth keeping, although it's really just a very specific application of the
Jan 30, 2022 17:01
Motivated by this main question, I wonder if the tag is too board to be useful.
Jan 20, 2022 17:14
I am confused about the description of . I used to think that it is about lebesgue integrable functions: but there is some disagreement here
Jan 30, 2020 11:51
@MartinSleziak I would say that is sufficient, and the new tag is not really needed.
Jan 29, 2020 14:24
in CRUDE, 37 secs ago, by Xander Henderson
I have been working for the last month to either retag or delete every question which is tagged with only the tag ; I don't think that this tag is at all useful (it was discussed in the tagging chatroom towards the end of last year). The above questions are the last ones---I think that they should all be deleted, but if anyone can come up with better tags, that would be good, too.
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