@GoodDeeds, since you are here at the moment, let me thank you, personally, for the vigilance you have been showing in improving a lot of questions. Your username was well chosen.
A question for more experienced users, since I don't ask many questions on the site. If an OP gets an answer to their question, they are notified. But are they also notified when edits are made to answers?
I have decided that I can no longer contribute my efforts to Stack Exchange and therefore I am stepping down as a moderator and planning on leaving the community. I will not be deleting my accounts or content, but I will not be actively participating. I have been thinking about this for a while a...
I'm very unhappy that the post author took down the following question immediately after I'd spent effort in an answer. It seems like a misuse of the site and the contributors here.
Yesterday, Buffy officially became Academia.SE's user with the greatest all-time reputation score: nearly 169K reputation! In just 2.5 years, Buffy has authored a stunning 3,742 answers and earned 48 gold badges, among many other positive contributions.
Academia.SE is lucky to have many highly ac...
Dear crappy conference spammers, if you want to convince researchers to come to your crappy conference, while it might be a good idea to show pictures of invited speakers (I said might), it is most certainly idiotic and counter productive to do so while graying out their names.
Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: Thank you to patreon typo squad for finding the one typo amongst 8 trillion words. Today's News: Remember when people used to read the little blog posts under comics? They don't now, so I can write whole lines of gibberish, squinkle dabyougargh nunglepeep.
I just saw something very weird. academia.stackexchange.com/users/91603/d-hutchinson?tab=profile this user is suspended network wide until May 15 '46 at 17:46. The user must have done something truly bad to be suspended for 28 years? Am I seeing it wrong? Or it's for real?
For the record, I do think questions about the relationship between academia and axes of oppression (sexism, racism, homophobia, etc.) are extremely relevant to this stackexchange and should not be closed (that's too blunt a tool to use to address the problem of a flood of comments). Indeed, I will go so far as to say that the notion that such questions are not relevant can only be considered by those with privilege (for example, white males) who do not have to experience it on a daily basis.
@MdAyq6 If somebody feels attacked and reacts by lashing out insults at the alleged attackers, this is not really beneficial to their cause and credibility either.
@Buffy Nope. See this request: meta.stackexchange.com/q/367235/300001 It is tagged as "status-review" so probably the staff is considering it. For other types of flags I don't know whether it would be useful.
@MassimoOrtolano ugh, don't get me started on unfortunate "traditions." In my field, when I request confidence intervals (or some measure, any measure, of variation) as a reviewer, authors act like I've asked for something completely bizarre and unreasonable.
To any (all) mods. I've just done a rather bold update to editors, editing and copy-editing. I suggest a review. It leaves editing with no questions. I suggest that editing and copy-editing are synonyms. I've differentiated the function of journal editors from that of text editing.
My advice is: never ever take discussions personally and, most of all, participation to online activities should never become a second work. It's a hobby that should be taken light-heartedly.