Conversation started Jan 6, 2022 at 19:52.
Jan 6, 2022 19:52
⦕'̅ v ̅'⦖⟆ is the one true unicode-emoticon
@Wezl-acautionarytale ⦕ಠ_ಠ⦖⟆
fixed it for ya
I need to see a cat with that expression
@Wezl-acautionarytale hold please
i'm working on it :)
Python, 221 bytes
works in cmd
you should be concerned
Jan 6, 2022 19:54
@DLosc Because if so, I have a 47-byte solution in QBasic
does animate mean it always has to clear?
@mathcat Why do you have 4 states? Aren't there just 2 distinct states?
data:text/html,<html style="white-space:pre-wrap"><meta charset=utf-8><script>i=0;setInterval(_=>document.body.textContent=["%E2%94%90%E2%96%A0_%E2%96%A0%20%20%E2%94%8E","%E2%94%90%20%E2%96%A0_%E2%96%A0%20%E2%94%8E","%E2%94%90%20%20%E2%96%A0_%E2%96%A0%E2%94%8E"][i++%3],20)</script> when you drink too much coffee
okay, I'm done
@Wezl-acautionarytale prepare yourself
Jan 6, 2022 19:57
@RedwolfPrograms hi yes, my mental state, good to meet you again :P
Conversation ended Jan 6, 2022 at 19:57.