Conversation started Oct 24, 2022 at 13:26.
Oct 24, 2022 13:26
I used a super fancy python REPL for a while but I forgot the name and now I can't find it
Oh wait here it is:
ah yes, pootpython
wow that's nice looking
It's like singificantly better than IDLE
now I really want to make a GTK-based Python editor :b
Oct 24, 2022 13:29
Go do
no I must resist
Too many good ideas have been wasted by wanting but not doing
but I have so many other projects vying for my attention
Do any of them, which doesn't matter
Having too much to do then doing nothing is a trap I'm intimately familiar with
also the face you're making in the headshot you have on your website is the face I make every single day of my life
I'm in that photo and I don't like it
Oct 24, 2022 13:31
... are we the same person
am I talking to myself right now?
oh no
not again.
are you just me from a parallel universe
Nope, it's on my wishlist though
Oct 24, 2022 13:32
At some point my factory became too big for my laptop to be able to handle it though
we are the same person
(except your hair is much more brown than mine is)
(and you have a snazzier bowtie)
I died your hair once
you did what to my hair now
(pretty sure you mean "dyed" :p)
Oct 24, 2022 13:34
Dyadededed it
but it's my hair I don't get it
Your hair is my hair no? Since you are me
but I have never dyed my hair
it's always been ginger
I think I'd know that better than me
and I'd like it to stay that way otherwise I might have to change my username :b
@mousetail I could say the same thing tho
Oct 24, 2022 13:36
Damn I'm right
this feels like the Calvin and Hobbes strip with the duplicator
wait do you own any cats
I do not
I can't quite tell but it looks like you also use he/him pronouns so that's two differences
Maybe I am your cat?
oh hey I just got Enthusiast
Oct 24, 2022 13:38
well, this is definitely concerning
but I don't feel like a hivemind... :/
@lyxal what do you advise? you have the most experience
whoever touches grass first is the real Ginger
Does a potted plant count?
no, it has to be grass
and I was right next to a door when lyxal asked so I was first
Oct 24, 2022 13:41
I'm at work so can't really go outside, so congrats
@mousetail oh, and the million dollar question: do you have ADHD
I have ASD
Attention Spaghetti Disorder?
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
autism right?
Oct 24, 2022 13:42
ok I have concluded that we are in fact the same person but from different parallel universes
I do pay a lot of attention to spaghetti so you are kind of correct. Spaghetti is really good
it is
Conversation ended Oct 24, 2022 at 13:43.