Current version

Jul 29, 2018 05:37
posted on July 29, 2018 by Alexander Gruber

We need a tag for topological data analysis. It is a rapidly growing field, so there will be more and more posts about it. Currently, questions about TDA come up under the tags algebraic-topology, homology-cohomology, data-analysis, category-theory, and a few more. These are insufficient for searchability as TDA is its own distinct topic that is not directly encompassed by any of these tags.

Message history

Jul 29, 2018 05:37
said: Tag management 2018 - Mathematics Meta Stack Exchange Answer by Alexander Gruber for Tag management 2018 Alexander Gruber 1532841790 We need a tag for topological data analysis. It is a rapidly growing field, so there will be more and more posts about it. Currently, questions about TDA come up under the tags algebraic-topology, homology-cohomology, data-analysis, category-theory, and a few more. These are insufficient for searchability as TDA is its own distinct topic that is not directly encompassed by any of these tags. We have a few options here. topological-data-analysis <-- probably the most widely-used umbrella name for this field; however, it does seem to add an emphasis on applications computational-topology <-- more algorithm-y, less data science-y persistent-homology <-- probably the most accurate for most questions in TDA, however, this excludes some other topics in TDA persistence <-- the