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5:37 AM
Q: Is depositing a huge number of coins (or small bank notes) to banks in Japan acceptable?

Single FighterSeveral years ago I found an article in Japanese that roughly says that a cash payment with n (I forgot the exact numbers) numbers of coins is illegal in Japan. I thinks it is applied to shops but I am not sure enough whether it is applied to banks as well. Is depositing a huge number of ...

3 hours later…
8:29 AM
@SingleFighter おお、久しぶりやん
illegal ってことはないと思いますが・・
@unarist 「適応する」は自動詞ですよね・・
@chocolate ですねー
硬貨は同じ額面のものは20枚までしか強制適用力がない、という話ですね。それが実際何を意味するのかはこの辺でしょうか: oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/3303352.html
例えば hokkaidobank.co.jp/charge/other に書いてある「大量硬貨入金手数料」ってやつがそれかと。
この質問 okwave.jp/qa/q5011524.html だと、強制適用力がないために手数料を取る、つまり額面より安く引き取っている、みたいに言われてますが、この解釈があってるのかはわかりません。
1 hour later…
9:57 AM
@chocolate お久しぶりです。
10:15 AM
I thought I had the instant edits privilege. Did the threshold change? (haven't been active here in ages)
2 hours later…
12:05 PM
Q: Are tag-only edits allowed?

GoBustoToday, I tried to add the first-person-pronouns tag to this question, but was unable to save due to not changing at last 6 characters within the post itself: In the past, I've been able to make tag-only edits without problems; so this seems to have been changed at some point. My question is: ...

5 hours later…
4:45 PM
@AmaniKilumanga I think it's 2000? Because I just got it

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