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9:16 AM
@Dissenter I have seen some (parts) of his videos like you suggested. I would have tried following his classes for about a month, after that, I would have picked up a book and tried reading instead. Of course I do have a much deeper knowledge about chemistry now than when I was a first year and it is easy to say that now.
@LordStryker Haha, I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants...
@jonsca Darn, I guess I used this once O.o
@LordStryker I really feel you. I had to teach chemistry to a bunch of med students. It's the same thing - the pain is real, especially the painful silence in the oral exams. Well, I don't miss that...
2 hours later…
11:18 AM
@Martin Oooooh that awkward silence in an oral! Nothing says "We learned nothing" better than that!
10 hours later…
9:47 PM
@Martin Eh, everybody can pick a day and do it :)

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