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2:50 AM
@halirutan Haha
@halirutan Tweet that code
Wizard seems to be the only common English word whose meaning I know (apart from "I", known by DictionaryLookup)
3:49 AM
@Rojo I would if I could only strip it by 4 more characters ...
4:00 AM
Intersection[#, StringReverse@StringReplace[#, #2]] &[
 Thread[# -> Reverse@#] &@CharacterRange["a", "z"]]
@MichaelHale I was having the same idea this very moment..
@MichaelHale Cool, now it seems to fit.
I've seen a lot of code snippets that find palindromes, but that's an interesting twist.
4:18 AM
@MichaelHale It's from here and the twist is called Atbash.
4:32 AM
Pretty cool. I'd heard of Caesar/ROT13, but not Affine/Atbash.
4 hours later…
8:57 AM
Should Ceiling/Floor behave like this?
DiscretePlot[{Floor[x - $MachineEpsilon],
  Ceiling[x + $MachineEpsilon]}, {x, -5, 5}, ImageSize -> 700,
 PlotLegends -> {"Floor[x+\[Epsilon]]", "Ceiling[x+\[Epsilon]]"},
 PlotRange -> All, PlotStyle -> AbsolutePointSize /@ {25, 15},
 Axes -> False, Frame -> True, Filling -> {1 -> {2}},
 FillingStyle -> Black]
or minimal example:
Ceiling[1 + $MachineEpsilon]
Ceiling[3 + $MachineEpsilon]
>> 2
>> 3
I kind of understand why, but shouldn't it be handled better?
9:37 AM
Hi all.
Can PlotRange work incorrectly?
Looks like it is ignored inside Manipluate box.
10:06 AM
@mikeonly what do you mean? PlotRange is not an option for Manipulate.
11:05 AM
@Kuba I have a graphics inside Manipulate. Now this problem is solved. PlotRange option was placed in a wrong place.
11:17 AM
@Pickett yes?
@Kuba I like to intersperse my code with text because it makes the code look more palatable, and because the time it takes for a beginner (future visitors, not necessarily the OP) to parse my code heavily outweighs the time it takes to copy the code. I understand that for someone who is just passing by and wants to try it, it's not optimal, but I like to think of this more as a site for people to learn, not as a recipe book.
I'm not putting text in there for the sake of putting in text, but in this case I was also making a point.
The optimal solution would be if there was a browser widget or something like that to copy the code of each code block in an answer.
@Pickett Makes sense, but still it is annoying to copy multiple times even your goal is to learn something.
@Pickett one code block with comments is way more handy and only a little bit less pretty/readable. But is just my opinion atm.
11:34 AM
Sure, it's a possibility.
4 hours later…
3:56 PM
user image
From Mma to 3D print!
@kirma nice!
@kirma only coins or paper bills too? :p
Maybe not the most pro photo ever, but.. heh, I haven't tried coins. I suppose precision would be sufficient, but they wouldn't probably ship counterfeits.
Even if those cost considerably more to print than originals...
@kirma have to go now. share a link to printer you are using if that's not secret :) Cya later.
@Kuba It's shapeways.com (no, I don't get any financial benefit from saying this...)
7 hours later…
10:56 PM
Anyone around with v10?
@belisarius I suppose
11:12 PM
is any one else having trouble running CDF's lately? I keep getting error file could not be found. For example, could someone please try this one demonstrations.wolfram.com/… or demonstrations.wolfram.com/… or any CDF. I refreshed by browser, deleted all cache etc... is it a plugin issue?
@Nasser It works for me, but I didn't upgrade to the v10 CDF player.
This happens on firefox 35.0.1 on windows
@MichaelHale No, I mean in the browser? one should not have to upgrade to V10 CDF player to run CDF's?
For example, on my PC, with chrome, it works. but with firefox, same one, gives error.
Yes, I'm also on Windows with Firefox 35.0.1.
But chrom, does not work well with CDF's, it chops off half the screen
You said it was a problem you just encountered recently, so I figured maybe you upgraded to v10 CDF player and that might have caused it.
11:17 PM
@MichaelHale but I do have CDF 10 as well. How does one finds out which plugin version is actually being used? This is all very strange problem.
I'll try to uninstall CDF player from my PC, install again and see what will happen
@Nasser I guess it updated my browser plugin with one of the Mathematica updates.
If I go to Menu->Plugins in Firefox I see
Wolfram Mathematica 10.0.30733.2313 last updated December 2.
Sorry, Menu->Add-ons->Plugins
@MichaelHale Hi Michael! Can you test this short one on v10, please?
A: Why does FindMinimum return 'The function value Null is not a real number'?

belisariusPerhaps better: NMinimize[{m/(m (1 - c) + 1), 2^(m*(1 - c)) - 2.718/((m^.5)*2*3.14*c^(c*m + .5)*(1 - c)^((1 - c)*m + .5)) <= 0 && 0.006 <= c <= 1 && 4 <= m <= 2500}, {m, c}, MaxIterations -> 300] (* {1.11184, {m -> 4., c -> 0.350592}} *)

@belisarius Works here
@MichaelHale Thanks a lot. The OP should be doing something wrong :)
I mean "The OP is surely doing something wrong" :)
11:35 PM
I had to uninstall CFD 9 and 10. Cleaned all the folder out. Installed CDF player 10 again, ok. Cleared browser cash, restarted,. and still get same error. Only with firefox. Sorry, it is version 36 first fox.
my conclusion, firefox 36 have problem with CDF plugin. Will ask about this on community. I have no idea what else to try now.
Same plugin works ok with chrome 40.0.2214.115 m
@Nasser I just updated the FF 36, and it's still working. I don't know how to further debug your issue though.
@MichaelHale , well, this is very strange. I am on windows 7, 64 bit, Restarted FF many times, cleared cache, still get the same error. But work ok with chrome. I wonder if there is a log file that player keeps to see why it is getting the error.
I'm on Win 8 now, but that's the only difference you've mentioned.
@MichaelHale Oh, I see! will this can make big difference.

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