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3:40 PM
Here's a paste of comments that really didn't belong on the question, are there, and are about to be deleted because, well, they don't belong there. They do IMO belong here:
This is why I could never be Lubavitch. I want to become a tzaddik, and the BaalHaTanya won't let me. – Will Dec 18 at 19:59

@Will. I sincerely hope you are kidding. What you do or do not believe will not change a metzios, if its true. In any event, life is not about what you want (to be a tzaddik). It's about what G-d wants, whether thats for you to be a tzaddik, or a beinoni. Also, the Baal Hatanya doesn't say that anybody can't become a tzaddik, only that the decision is always G-d's. – HodofHod Dec 18 at 20:43

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