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11:00 - 14:0014:00 - 19:00

11:27 AM
Said friend sends me this: youtube.com/watch?v=iokdpH60bQM
11:45 AM
@BrianBallsun-Stanton whenever you want, I'm here
12:06 PM
@Zachiel .... no
I was tossing out exapmles. We never actually got the main want done.
I'd recommend rolling with a tier I class, but...
@BESW Ping.
The trick is that you want your simple dramatic hook to get you to self-start.
So "I want to be accepted into the group X, but they won't have me until I prove my worth." "I can prove my worth by eliminating the abberation menace from this area"
"I can remove the menace from this area by identifying the dungeons and finding help."
you are motivated to do these things
you have a credible motivation to do these things.
You have a means, and you have a flaw.
Do you see the pattern?
There are so many ways to instantiate the pattern of drama, but this is a basic pattern that provides you a mechanism for fun.
Because you want things, and you know how to achieve them
btw: character creation rules (updated, I think) docs.google.com/document/d/…
yeah, I'm not going to bother with giving you mechanical suggestions
that's not your problem
So I need both a readon to have moved from my original place (I don't like all of a sudden adding a lvl 14 character to that place), a reason to stay there and a reason to do things while there
You need a reason to do things while there. That is of prime importance
all the rest is your backstory.
12:13 PM
"a reason to stay" is to do the things there
but it must be things I can't do elsewhere
we're doing a very simple dramatic structure.
It's a simple "I want to do things here." Then hang a lampshade on it.
Want, fufill want over coruse of story, want frustrated by opposition. Oppostiion overcome. Catharsis
New story deals with the complications from the previous.
it's the oldest story there is.
Let's trust you then. I need to find out what I want to do for real, or better, what my character wants to do that I can like playing.
12:16 PM
Exactly so!
Scouting is useful because it's a fundamental service
and it's an opportunity for self-starting and... I imagine, avoiding actual conflict.
Being a castery type is useful, especially if not hugely optimised, because it's a fundamental service
I'm not that sure it's that fundamental. What can I offer others can't?
wrong question
Have you had any econ classes?
(I guess this is mechanical and I guess good-aligned people will like giving me things to do even if there's other people who could, so this could be a problem in my mind only)
The division of labour is the specialization of cooperating individuals who perform specific tasks and roles. Because of the large amount of labour saved by giving workers specialized tasks in Industrial Revolution-era factories, classical economists such as Adam Smith and mechanical engineers such as Charles Babbage were proponents of division of labour. Also, having workers perform single or limited tasks eliminated the long training period required to train craftsmen, who were replaced with lesser paid but more productive unskilled workers. Historically, an increasingly complex...
oh, not character classes
12:17 PM
Yes. School classes.
Division of labour means that even if someone is better in all things than you, you're still useful because you can allow them to do the things that they are best at.
By choosing to not be all things to all people, you need people, and therefore need to include other adventurers to fufill your want.
Now it's more than one year I'm away from that game and I don't know the actual social interactions but you know, being D&D tier one classes can just change their spell selection and cover any role
which makes me think I should play a tier 1 class just to fill niches as I find them
choose to be a thing. Embrace the thing. Make positive choices.
Be Tier II. SAy "I shall do these things, but not these other things. I need help for these other things."
Build in needing help to your character. Fundamnetally to your character.
I have no problems in needing help anyway. I needed help as a Chameleon, trust me.
Don't make choices that allow you to sidle away from actually taking a stand.
... right
but it's harder for other people to articulate how you can help them
Remember, a store front and division of labour is useful because it identifies to "the market" what you offer.
So, what does your character "sell" and what does your character "need"
Again, we're at very simple adventurer here.
Honestly, if you could bank most of your levels into some magical pot in the sky, and go back to level 4, you'd likely have more fun.
I can, but I'd gain XP and gold way slower
But I surely can play that game for a while
12:24 PM
okay, and does XP and gold provide utility to you?
remember, our goal in this is "I want a character I can have fun with."
not "I want a character to win"
cause your DMs have made so many bullshit decisions that ... meh
to me as a player? One of my main complaints as a player is that, since the more you level the more gold you gain in an exponential gain, leveling faster than them is the only way not to lag behing long-time players in terms of earned gold
So, unless the XP serves an extrinsic need
But I guess, since I'm not playing to rush against anyone...
So do you care about levelling faster than them?
Again, articulate your needs.
What I'd recommend is to "bank" all of your XP as a level 14 person and just hang around the level you want for a while.
Just tell the DMs that you want to earn your gold and xp only from adventuring, and the normal outputs to go into some mythical bank for later.
and that you'll handle adventure rewards as appropriate by pulling from that bank to reflect accomplishments
So you don't lose your level 14 accumulation, but your narrative in-game isn't impacted by it at all.
I used to care. I had a terrible 20 days where I went home trom work, played, eated, played again (unless I went out with friends or had other things to do - I mean this game totalized all my free time) or complained with people in the game about how unfun it was to play alone all that time.
I swore to myself: never again.
12:27 PM
@Zachiel Yep :)
again, my fundamental recommendation is to find a healthier environment, even if you have to found it yourself.
but well, you already know that.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I'm gonna start with the XP of a level 13
@Zachiel by choice, or because of magical penalties?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Yes I know, but I don't really like all this fragmenting the players on different places, asking them to play at me instead than at theirs... I might be a victim of the social geek fallacies.
@Zachiel :)
I'd recommend a good long read of slatestarcodex.com
but, we digress.
Ask your DM if the magical XP/gold bank is viable, please.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton When I was forced to stop playing the previous character I just hit level 14. With the 10% xp penalty imposed to character changes, or with the 5% one that ends in 9 and a half hours, I drop to level 13
12:31 PM
@Zachiel Right, so get a quick answer on "banking them"
cause level 13 is way too powerful.
Or, find a foe appropriate for level 13 parties, but... decoupling the reward mechanism from the plot is never wise
So, what's your character's want?
Wait a moment, I think something lit up somewhere in my brain
If I already had a character it would be easier to decide what that sort of character wants. Like, if I was a wizard I could want to gain enogh money to learn all the existing spells.
Since I'm proceeding backwards, it's really "what do you want to explore with your character", like you said yesterday. Did I say something that made you think it was more useful to reword that?
@Zachiel no. That's a very good thesis statement.
(writing all the spells in my book, BTW, was one of the targets of my chameleon character)
12:38 PM
I prefer to work from effect to cause
since effects are always more relevant
and just work backwards to the "now"
but ... if you have an extant character, there's nothing wrong with asking "what is she dissatisfied with?"
As I told you I have some character seeds (and the probably unhealthy idea that I want to get Merchantile Background, because buying at 75% instead that buying at 80 and leaving 5% in the hands of another PC is better. But hey, that's a need. Fate probelm: greedy.)
of coures that problem is only solvable with PC intervention. NPCs sell at full price.
it's not... really worth interacting with the economics of D&D
at all.
too much cognitive dissonance breaks suspension of disbelief
and money's awfully abstract
except for the part where, if you're a mercahnt, non-merchant people come at you asking you to buy them something.
... ugh, boring.
you're an NPC
Don't. Be. an NPC.
people come to you because you do this one thing well
and you're fun to be with because you have needs and flaws
(the one thing can be adequately broad... but..)
avoid money games, they're distracting and seductive
Have I told you the part where I don't buy equip unless I find someone able to sell it to me at a discount? ç_ç
But I digress
12:45 PM
See my prior statement.
Greed is a drama killer, most of the time, because it leads to inaction.
(Cupidity is different... but that's not what we're talking about)
A normal greedy person is a cheapskate.
A bribeable person is a narrative asset
anyways. Ignore money, it's a trap, especially in 3.5, especially in your game.
in fact, go so far as to build in a charitable mission to your character, so you can convert money into validation.
I do this one thing well and it'd better be something I like to roleplay.
When I think at a character I usually say I like him to be a melee character. I like to play weird polymorph effects (like we explored when I mentioned wanting to morph into a drider in public). My chameleon was a demisexual character that wanted to marry her fiancée but wanted people to accept same-sex marriage first (just to say, I'm not new to this goal thing but... why is it so hard now?)
it's hard now because this is the first time you're setting a goal.
There are lots of "goals"
or things we call goals.
The hard bit is the question "what do I want"
the other times it kind of born from play, you mean?
not as a backstory for a bundle of mechanics
but as a "this is what I actually goddamn want to do"
the source of your passions and your flaws.
It's hard
Most people, especially in D&D never deal with this
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I see
12:50 PM
they passively graze the plots handed to them by the DM, and have a bundle of characterizations
Which, as we've demonstrated, is insufficient for your alien-space-bat-game
therefore, you actually have to buckle down and be an Author. And this is real work.
It's also hard because in order to play drama, you have to connect to the true thing in you that resonates with that drama
which implies a vulnerability.
We already said we want to stay away from Man vs Man. Man vs. Nature is not really a thing since Nature is seldom involved in this kind of world. Man vs. Self requires to be paired with one of the others...
Which was the fourth one?
(lots of debates)
society tends to be the foruth though
but man v. nature/environment is exactly what we're going for
You want to hit the world until the world gives you a thing to get you what you want
So I need to define what I want. Back to 1.
12:57 PM
Yep :)
and I'm not allowing you to dodge
cause I'm an asshole and a professor
I think being a professor is enough
And was this a test I'd be probably sent back to my place with a 4 for not being able to provide the answer but having demostrated to having understood the question.
I believe my fear of getting out of this conversation with a character I don't like is preventing me from accepting simple goals such as "I want to stop monstrous humanoids and worse from attacking civilization and nature in some specific area"
1:02 PM
I hear you.
turn that into an aspirational goal
add a "so that"
... in some specific area so that I may achieve ..."
If I wanted to play an evil character I'd say "so that this village's villagers recognize my cult as useful to their burg and the good guys are forced to let me thrive out of popularity". It's something I wanted to do but not this time. Being evil is still too hard for me.
This would have been a good goal, right?
way too complex.
that's a plan of action
"I want to be powerful enough to be tolerated by the good guys."
In a good character case it might be "to protect the place I want to call home"
or "I want to be worshipped"
also unachievable
the climax is the resolution of the thing
hey, wait, I want to be powerful enough to be tolerated by the evil guys. XD (I don't think that works either)
1:08 PM
which evil guy?
"I want to forge a demiliterized zone with thay" is an example of that
Question: If I know more or less which NPCs and PCs are active in each subzone of the game's map, does this mean this choice will influence who I will play with, or that it should be informed by who I'd like to play with?
effect then cause
"I want to play with these people, so therefore, these things will cause me to play with these people."
I know the main evil organizations are evil lychantrope tribes, barbarian evil tribes, the cult of the dragon, the zhentarim, evil churches like bane's, the society of the kraken, the arcane brotherhood of Luskan and possibly many others I don't know about
yep. And making up a spooky org is easy. Anyways
Should I ask which are active in the zone?
1:12 PM
Oh, I can choose a non-existing one, even if I'll probably never face it unless some DM decides to fish in my backstory? I'm not sure they do, because my last backstories were quite weak, but I think I've seen it done for other characters in the past.
well, it's your primary motivation
you'll be asserting that it's there
you will be finding out its activities as your first action
nothing in the world exists save in your gaze.
therefore, you can helpfully insert stuff "offstage" to look at.
so use an extant org, if possible. But the exact nature of your foe is... not relevant unless it helps fufull your out of character objectives
Well, it'ss an estabilished setting so getting some organization that is in the setting is helpful both because the DMs already know what it is and I'm not introducing new things that are not under my authority
(People is making pression on me so I can play with them. At least it makes me feel wanted.)
1:23 PM
Yes :)
Looks like there are Zhentarim, Amn's Shadow Thieves (which would be perfect if I played the Amniote wizard that was built to be a merchant's son and go help the mysterious problems with the local store), Red Wizards
Thay's always fun
but all of them are "a wizard did it"
so, what's your goal?
I don't know. Most thayan enclaves are made by neutral wizards who only want money to foster research
so, shadow theives or the Zhentarim?
or make it specific
There's a thayan necromancer/alientist who isn't cleaning up after himself.
very powerful, backed by thay, etc..
(replace Thay by any org)
a direct confrontation will have the might of $org drop on your head
mmmh I'm getting more info on which enemies there are in the zone where these guys asking me to play are settled, and who are their enemies
1:31 PM
so, what's your objective?
what do you want to achieve or impress?
My objective is to defeat this enemy, be it a single person or a cell of an organization. I'd really like to discover about it once there, i.e. having a different motive to move in than "I'm on the hunt" but things get complicated. The plan of action then is letting word out of my mission and discovering there are people who can help me and go at them and ask them if I could help them in return, which should ensure me some social action)
okay, so learn to use maybe a 10th of the words :)
simple is much better here
your objective is not to defeat this enemy
letting out word, maybe?
your means to the objective is to defeat the enemy
and defeat is boring
I didn't want to use kill
1:34 PM
nonono, kill is defeat
I'm quite capable of using a thesarus
as in stop their current activities?
Contain, force a truce with..
figure out why you can't just nuke him from orbit, it's more fun
"contain the outputs of their lab" is so much more fun than "kill" since you can make them so stupidly powerful that you can't kill them, and therefore need to be creative
might be "because there are always more of them" (like if I'm trying to contain undead under Luskan's graveyard, or preventing lycanthropes from storming the towns south of the Lurkwood Forest)
1:37 PM
setting some strategic goal is useful
"always more" is boring, since that just iterates on "kill"
I remember you I can suggest and maybe create opposition (but it's better to find out existing one) but I can't control their ations and reactions.
yes, beatuful
that's exactly what you want
you want to suggest a very high level wizard, who you then need to figure out how to contain
I can't even control if there is a reaction, which is worse.
Yes :)
it's actual risk
I might be chasing ghosts
1:39 PM
which generates conflict whcih can generate drama
which might be a good hook nonetheless
this is it
What hapepns when you trample all over someone else's land in search of this white whale?
but again, what's your fundamental want?
we're talking objectives
not desires.
Marry someone important? Join some sort of epic guild?
I thought marrying someone important was something to avoid as a goal since it depends on the other players.
1:43 PM
Joining the Super Friends was a dream of mine. But you know, not high enough in level, not enough ambitious, not enough backstory in the region, not enough famous and the player I had to avoid playing with was the one who had the idea first
but specifically it's fufilling "I want love"
marrying an NPC? Discarded
does sigil exist?
It exists, but the game is focused on a small portion of Faerun
1:44 PM
so planning something big outside the game area is not a great idea. I'd get isolated
so therefore who is epic in the game area who you want to impress?
Digression: Leilani lives in Sigil
I don't think there are epic npcs in the area (or maybe I should ask... not even Drizz't is IIRC). There are some epic PCs who can't exactly get more power than the non-epic NPCs because giving too much power to some players would smell of favoritism, high level characters are enough locked in their places already and reasons.
there are rulers, tho'. The high captains of Luskan, Greeth of the Arcane Brotherhood, the Marchions of Mirabar, the King of Neverwinter and several others I don't know about.
I mostly know those of the places I used to play and I want to avoid for a while
Also, one of the epic PCs has based her character on willing to become Luskan's grey eminence so the captains and the brotherhood are already taken
1:50 PM
so which ruler do oyu want to kiss up to?
These guys asking me to come back are located in Lurkwood and in Neverwinter
so, "I want to become a duke of neverwinter."
or whatever
"In order to do taht, I need to prove that I'm capable of containing epic threats"
I currently like lurkwood more, but AFAIK it's a wild place
and so, level 20 caster (probably tier 2, cause tier 1 caster sare ansty)
sure, but what rulership is there?
who owns it?
let me check
mmmh the site lists no authority over the place but orcs, ettins and giants
1:54 PM
I know there's a good guild who colonized an ancient oak tree there
"I want to be acknowledged by the major tribes of orcs, ettins, and giants as a rightful duke of the land: someone they'd rather negotiate with than invade."
then you go to "contain the ouputs of this one evil caster who's accidentally pissing off everyone"
because that's a good way of impressing everyone without being a "yet another stupid adventurer"
I don't think it's a reachable goal, except maybe if I want them to steer away from some specific areas I control, to avoid them going to the nearby city of Nesmé
and that leads you onto other adventures
But steering them away is just fine.
you want them to say "eeh, not bother him. He's too annoying."
or "Evil wizard move in, ask him, he deal with."
feared, useful, a leviathan.
Nobanion, with its domains of Nobility and Animal, looks like a great combo between "druids and rangers and adventurers guild" and "I want to become duke of this land"
@BrianBallsun-Stanton ? Expand please
1:57 PM
so, the name of the game of governments is that activity costs resources
If you have a powerful neighbor, and some asshole moves in, it costs less to ask a favour of the neighbor than to deal with the guy yourself
(this is one of the reasons why governments exist)
You want to be that guy for this region.
Now, let's make it more interesting. "I want to assume my lost birthright and become duke of this land, like my great ancestors before me."
which is bullshit backstory, but provides useful characterisation
do oyu see how that is, fundamentally "I want to be duke of this land?"
Uh, oh, no, let's steer away from being the rightful king and such
so "I'm tired of being pushed around. I want to be a duke"
11:00 - 14:0014:00 - 19:00

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