31 messages found

Oct 14, 2024 03:57
@alphabet Granted. But let me back up and note that I was using a metaphor (whether the story is true or not) to describe software that grows up in a sometimes arbitrary way and then gets used in that way, and then runs into issues that developers and users would like to change but don't because it would take more work than it's worth. It's the metaphor that holds, not the truth of the story.
Apr 20, 2023 16:07
@Robusto Yes, certainly. Its audio detection alone makes everything worth it. And note that it does not require connectivity to function correctly: it works in airplane mode, even.
Aug 5, 2022 16:41
Maybe I should send him a 50k toman note. It's roughly worth a dollar and 40 cents.
Feb 22, 2020 20:49
@RegDwigнt By "just a regular one" what do you mean? If you're looking to play blues/rock (and what else does one use a harmonica for?) note that the standard diatonic harmonica will play the mixolydian mode a fifth above the nominal key. So your "G" harmonica will render that mode in D. You probably knew that, but I thought it worth mentioning.
Sep 15, 2019 17:49
@RegDwigнt Yes, but IRL not everything everybody says is worth noting. Within the confines of film or the stage, we shouldn't really have the luxury of discarding sentences as not worthy of note, even if people really do talk that way. They can talk that way and have it mean something, or nothing. I don't want to go see a film that's about nothing but perfunctory conflict.
Feb 23, 2018 16:10
@Cerberus I used special screen capture software to capture the entire webpage. It's a google chrome plugin called Fireshot. It's also worth note that I turned private results off.
Feb 12, 2018 14:32
@CowperKettle I would personally use either, but it is worth note that some people are arguing that sex should only be used for biology, and gender for mentality and social roles e.g. they would prefer to have a male to female trans person categorized under the female gender. Assuming that you have used a biological means of categorizing these people, sex is the less contentious choice in my opinion.
Feb 3, 2018 05:13
Also worth note is that a helmet usually would not be considered a hat. It's hard, and meant to protect the head. However, construction worker's helmets are sometimes called hardhats. It is a fairly descriptive name, although also one that highlights the exception because it implies that other types of hats aren't hard.
Feb 3, 2018 05:09
It's probably worth note that bonnets apparently aren't hats. Aside from having their own separate category, Webster claims that they were popular before hats existed. In conjunction with headscarves, I think we can presume that most hats only cover the top of the head, although that complicates matters when we consider that most people consider trapper hats to be, well, hats...
Aug 21, 2017 18:24
@WillHunting Also worth note is that testyourvocabulary does not count word derivations, only dictionary headwords. Another test may very well count double the words. So while it might read 18,000 and 23,000, another test may very well rate us at 36,000 or 44,600 for the same answers.
Jun 24, 2017 15:23
@Mitch Yes: Worth further note is that the language isn't necessarily even a variety of English.
Apr 14, 2017 18:58
Also worth note is that you need 3,000 rep. to work the close and reopen queues, so that's a little over half the rep. you have on your most contributed site.
Apr 3, 2017 12:58
@englishstudent Well, perhaps not quite. I have used worth noting in chat before, but I use worth note far more often.
Apr 3, 2017 12:42
@englishstudent I think its worth note that I have found a couple of other instances of "worth note that", like this and that, so it is hardly a habit which is original to me.
Apr 1, 2017 21:01
@Tonepoet Ok. Right. Like here: You wrote "but it is probably worth note that" in such instances I'm used to seeing "but it is probably worth noting that" see what I mean? If that's a typo the good but if it isn't then I'm confused.
Apr 1, 2017 20:22
@englishstudent The others have explained the main point of my rationale, but it is probably worth note that yourselves is a well established word. Well enough that it has its own separate dictionary entry from yourself.
Mar 21, 2017 14:06
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You'd be right in assuming I'm not just talking about 4chan. You're right that they're not as significant for vis-a-vis english, but we're specifically discussing internet slang which is where they have disproportionately high influence. It's also worth note that in the earlier days of 4chan, most of its boards were dedicated to anime.
Mar 20, 2017 18:31
@terdon It's not quite that simple. Those two words are often used interchangably. A.H.D. 5 gives textual examples of emoticons. and it's worth note that the pictures are supposed to be representations of the text people type. Software performed automatic conversion from text to image in software like Invision Powerboard and MSN messenger.
Mar 20, 2017 17:39
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It might also be worth note that when we're discussing Japanese and English, we are ultimately discussing two different languages. English words don't mean the same things as their etymons in greek, saxon or latin.
Mar 15, 2017 18:35
@englishstudent Worth further note is that many people complain about Twilight for whatever reason. Sparkling vampires have become somewhat of a joke as a result.
Mar 6, 2017 18:33
@terdon I think there is good reason for people to insist that since it was the conventional meaning at a prior point in time, that it should be the preferred one at least though. Also worth note is that those labels aren't always so helpful. Most dictionaries still list the word cool as a term of approbation as slang. 'Tis much more frequently used slang than pistol though.
Mar 1, 2017 04:15
@Mitch Hmm, worth note is that it's just as much for our benefit as theirs. People who disregard the established conventions are harder to comprehensibility than people who conform to them, with the degree of incomprehension depending upon the degree of the transgression. Also, thank you for answering my question.
Feb 26, 2017 19:57
@englishstudent I mostly linked to the question because I figured the discussion taking place here might be relevant to make into an answer. It's probably worth note that the act of cutting off a syllable in speech is often referred to as elision.
Nov 10, 2016 17:36
@terdon Also, despite the fact that, I very much insist upon the periods, whether or not somebody uses the full stops usually doesn't usually change whether they mean it to be an abbreviation or not. My Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary indicates that much in the addenda. However, it is worth note that many abbreviatons become words as they become pronounceable separately from their constituent letters.
Oct 27, 2016 14:52
@tchrist Maybe the opening should explain *why* he should read the rest of the definition, especially if he's having trouble parsing it. Does this give you any thoughts?

It is worth note that here "[primarily](http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/primarily)" does not mean only, or *perhaps* even *mainly* as modern dictionaries like The American Heritage Dictionary Fifth Edition suggest the word is more commonly used to mean today. Noah Webster's dictionary defines it closer to the now secondary "originally" definition and the examples he gives in that first paragraph are of the An
Oct 27, 2016 12:18
@tchrist Worth further note though is that Noah Webster said in his definition of Tense that "The English language is rich in tenses, beyond any other language in Europe." which is a far departure from the present theory that English only has two tenses, so it's possible that you're talking about something else entirely.
Oct 4, 2016 09:56
@RegDwigнt Perhaps the point would have been made more convincing, if you could have at least cited a few of the instances where people insisted "It's not a thread! It's a question!" However also worth note is that I am that some of the voters may be comparatively inexperienced here...
Sep 8, 2016 21:40
@JasperLoy Worth note is that although Pussy has historical attestation as a term of endearment, it's more dialectical, rare and maybe even archaic than the derogatory sense so it's not going to have the effect you desire upon most people. The assessment of rareness is based upon the video you linked me yesterday, which notes that the A.H.D. prioritizes meanings based upon popular usage.
Dec 17, 2014 22:11
For what it's worth, the image in this answer directly inspired the hat idea and design. The trigger was indeed a reference to the seemingly arbitrary score that results from a successful touchdown + extra point kick. (Note, it's also possible to get 8 points with a two-point conversion, but there's no hat for that.) — Jon Ericson ♦ 5 mins ago
Mar 10, 2013 05:25
It's the title for a note on my personal blog, but still I thought it'd be worth knowing
Apr 26, 2012 21:31
I was able to play Bioshock before using GB3 but the usual problems of an underpowered system resulted; the game was slow and not enjoyable. After using GB3 and most of the features it offers, I was able to get a much better, very noticeable difference in the playability and speed of the game, lifting my average frame rate from about 12 frames per second to a very decent 24 FPS.
Note that I got a nearly doubled frame rate, without buying or installing a single bit of new hardware on the system. To me, that’s worth every penny of the price tag ($0.00) on Game Booster 3.

worth note