6 messages found
Jun 7, 2016 20:28
Another cool thing about the polarimeter @Hippa, is that it took three and a half hours to stabilise for the solvent zero ~.~*
Jun 7, 2016 19:34
Have I ever mentioned that I hate our polarimeter?
Dec 4, 2015 20:08
And with that, I'm back to the polarimeter ~.~*
Oct 9, 2015 13:18
I wish we had a modern polarimeter in our lab. Maybe one where you can enter the concentration, it does the measurement automatically and outputs standardised [alpha]D. The one we have is probably older than the building and I'm never sure how the heck to calculate properly */rant*
Jun 12, 2015 13:38
Anyway, the polarimeter should be warmed up now ^^
Jun 12, 2015 13:13
Hello @M.A.Ramezani Dunno about regular, just need to kill some time somehow while the polarimeter warms up xD