112 messages found

Nov 15, 2017 07:20
Unfortunately while I can give you reading feedback on ya game my complete lack of a vehicle and thus access to players means that if I do play it it's because I'm drunk enough that the slowly-swelling collection of stuffed dolls in my home has started to talk to me.
May 13, 2015 16:55
@SevenSidedDie This question appears to have two similar but still separate questions in it; one is 'how to encourage my players to think of the rules as defining the game world' and the other is 'how to encourage my players to think mechanically'
Nov 28, 2014 23:02
> Yes, it would. I'm confident in my ability to teach the use of basic mechanics like saving throws or attack rolls; looking to teach my players the mechanics that let them customize their characters.
Nov 3, 2014 03:08
@Miniman Usually either gets filed under Special Snowflake (if the DM is an asshole) or else "One of my players doesn't quite get the paradigm of the game, how can I help him?"
Oct 28, 2014 02:42
It's long been my stance that if you ask a system master to design an RPG, low-op players won't notice.
Oct 28, 2014 02:42
@BraddSzonye My take on this, as a designer, is that you hurt no one by making clear, comprehensible rules. The people who enjoy the legalese will thank you. The ones that don't never cared to begin with. And new players still figuring out where they fall will, in the meantime, face much less confusion.
Oct 24, 2014 11:32
A: I'm DMing for a party of two. How can I make sure my players have classes that can play well together?

mxyzplkAny of the classes can work well together. Classes in D&D 5e aren't all that black and white. A Fighter with a Criminal background can participate just fine along with a rogue - in fact, that's the general setup for Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, one of the best known fantasy duos ever. In general...

Sep 28, 2014 15:05
@BESW Oh man I think if I handed the power back to my players they would collapse into a nervous wreck. They're terrified of narrative agency.
Sep 28, 2014 14:55
@BESW Insert me complaining that I wish my players would do this more.
Sep 23, 2014 19:59
But the metaplot is the direct reason for the above "my players did something" statement
Sep 23, 2014 19:57
Where the answer to, "My players did something," is always "They fail, betray everything they love, then get killed by the designated setting villains"
Sep 23, 2014 15:13
@Metool My players are still idiots, so I have a reasonable expectation
Sep 18, 2014 16:48
@MadMAxJr Huh. My players always asked my advice before they purchased a book. Guess I got lucky.
Sep 15, 2014 13:20
@lisardggY Whereas my statements about the PF community are from observing its online presence and, maybe more importantly, the experiences of others through the FAQs and Pathfinder Society. PFS is a very major component of Paizo's customer base and thus, by definition, Pathfinder's players.
Sep 14, 2014 13:22
I think one of my players described it as: "If Greek myth was set in the Wild West, it would be your setting."
Sep 10, 2014 07:22
My customers challenge me much more than my players ever have or, probably, ever will.
Sep 10, 2014 07:22
Man, I wish I had to go through that much effort for my players.
Sep 10, 2014 07:05
In any event, the intercession of "I hate my players," "My players are morons," and "Gareth believes passionately in player agency" leads to a whole lot of imploded parties.
Sep 10, 2014 07:02
@doppelgreener The thing you have to remember is that I hate my players and wish them ill, misfortune, and harm.
Sep 10, 2014 07:00
And maybe it's the Ravenloft DM in me, but when it comes to doing bad crap to my players I like presenting them with a noose and watching them hang themselves.
Sep 8, 2014 04:19
In my experiences players like taking chances they design. That is, many players enjoy inventing risky plans, which is not the same as enjoying a Russian Roulette minigame.
Sep 3, 2014 06:54
@doppelgreener My players feel like this so much
Sep 2, 2014 17:36
@MadMAxJr Also this pretty much describes my relationship to my players, in a nutshell
Apr 30, 2014 23:53
(this is why I ask 4e players to proofread my rules)
Apr 18, 2014 01:40
@JoshuaAslanSmith One moment. @BESW, can you do that chat search thing you do? I need @JoshuaAslanSmith to comprehend exactly how much I despise my players before I suggest solutions to him.
Apr 18, 2014 01:33
It probably helps that I despise my players as human beings.
Mar 26, 2014 05:23
@Metool - If you wanna get your hand back in on freeform or semi-freeform my wife is starting a god game. She's looking for 4-5 players and may have open slots.
Mar 26, 2014 04:33
@BESW - If I told you that my wife was wanting to run a play-by-post god game with a mostly freeform set of rules, wherein the players take on the role of nascent deities cooperatively & competitively shaping a solar system, would you be interested in playing?
Mar 11, 2014 13:06
@BESW I'd usually encourage my players to exhibit those options themselves. A favorite of mine would be to introduce it during a time when a PC was out of the action for some reason - waiting for resurrection, imprisoned - by having the player play an NPC with the option(s) for me.
Mar 11, 2014 12:38
I have spoken before about how much I despise my players, but this was back during the height of them being annoying, ignorant little wretches. I'd just started getting into optimization and it was like seeing the light for the first time - suddenly I understood why I'd had so much frustration trying to play concepts that looked cool, but ended up getting smeared or not being able to contribute.
Feb 20, 2014 05:58
Aaand that's pretty much my concept so far. The idea is to provide initial plot hooks and reasons to care about the settlement, and then from there the GM/Players will seek out the sorts of resources they want in the wider campaign world
Feb 17, 2014 05:59
To be fair @BESW, my players still haven't figured out that I make crap up as I go.
Feb 17, 2014 05:57
I got my players to stop obsessing over every unusual NPC by giving them all quirks. Sometimes a personality they meet seems attractive.
Feb 17, 2014 05:52
@AlexP My players sometimes do this all on their own.
Feb 11, 2014 14:41
I remember the game that finally got my stupid freaking players to roleplay.
Feb 11, 2014 06:17
As a DM, I feel that my players have every right to frame their characters within those limits that I've set. Those limits exist primarily because I know that a certain level of immersion is what they want, and that they'll communicate their desired themes and moods to me when they express their concepts
Feb 11, 2014 06:15
They still contribute to the story, they just...do so through subtle communication. My players are sorta shy about meta-narrative participation.
Feb 11, 2014 06:14
Mm. My groups tend to have plots and themes that are heavily DM-driven, with players being reluctant to be active participants in the moods and themes.
Jan 31, 2014 14:23
@BESW Well, thing is - you recall the bit where my players are morons?
Jan 31, 2014 14:22
Is it bad that my first thought is to run that system, @BESW, just to see how long I can keep making Belgariad references until my players notice?
Jan 19, 2014 01:53
@Phil Not with completely deaf people, but two of my players were deaf in opposite ears
Jan 13, 2014 23:49
From my end of things, their own characters are the only parts of the campaign world that my players have absolute agency over. My job, in part, is to help them fulfill their cool concepts and to encourage them to contribute to my campaign world.
Jan 13, 2014 17:58
@AlexP Heh, my players roleplay just fine when it comes to social interactions. Its their strategies and combat tactics that make me slam my face against the wall. I'd be doing such a Q&A as a public service.
Jan 13, 2014 16:35
@InbarRose My players used to have that problem. I trained them out of it.
Jan 1, 2014 22:47
@Zachiel My players inspire me...to learn the harmful applications of sympathetic magic.
Jan 1, 2014 22:37
Though I may be biased by the bit where I hate my players
Jan 1, 2014 22:33
Death's never been cheap in campaigns I run, partially because my players learned very quickly that most of my bad guys are very interested in having a spare corpse on hand. They've run from fights where someone died only to find a wight with the fallen dude's memories and class levels coming after them
Dec 28, 2013 05:13
You have no idea how tempting it was to title that question, "How can I help my players START being murderous cretins?"
Dec 28, 2013 05:13
Q: How can I help my players get into a vengeful mindset?

Lord_GarethI've often attempted to run Hunter: the Vigil (part of the New World of Darkness gameline) for my players. Unfortunately I frequently run into the same problem; namely, when I set up villains with the tiniest shred of moral ambiguity ("It doesn't mean to hurt people, it has to feed..") they break...

Dec 28, 2013 05:02
And the best bit is that since there's no defined rules for incarnate Geists and in any event zero of my players have read that book

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"my players"