edited:@Cerberus: If I were coining a new logical fallacy in Latin (which I just did: ["argumentum ad NGram"](http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/78210/difference-between-fell-to-the-ground-vs-fell-on-the-ground/78229#comment153648_78229)), how would I Latinize the word *NGram*? NGramiam?
edited:@Cerberus: If I were coining a new logical fallacy in Latin (which I just did: ["argumentum ad NGram"](http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/78210/difference-between-fell-to-the-ground-vs-fell-on-the-ground/78229#comment153648_78229)), how would I Latinize the word *NGram*? NGramiam?
edited:@Cerberus: If I were coining a new logical fallacy in Latin (which I just did: ["argumentum ad NGram"](http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/78210/difference-between-fell-to-the-ground-vs-fell-on-the-ground#comment153632_78211)), how would I Latinize the word *NGram*? NGramiam?
said:@Cerberus: If I were coining a new logical fallacy in Latin (which I just did: "argumentum ad NGram"), how would I Latinize the word *NGram*? NGramiam?